Star Cearch Schools

August 1997
Pulaski Elementary School

Pulaski Elementary School


Pulaski Elementary School is the first elementary school to receive the CEARCH Star School of the Month award this year. Pulaski is located in Somerset, Kentucky and serves children from preschool to fifth grade. Pulaski primary, fourth and fifth grade classrooms each have four computers, preschool and kindergarten classrooms have two. Pulaski also has a 25 computer/five printer lab which students visit weekly and a mini-lab in the media center. A CD-ROM tower and telephones in classrooms are also part of the plan for technology. Kentucky Educational Technology System funds pay for many of the computers, but the local PTA also raises money and is responsible for the purchase of printers, a digital camera and software. Kudos to the Pulaski PTA!

Why do we like this site?

It is relatively easy to get high school students involved in website design and maintenence; elementary websites take a bit more work. Pulaski Elementary is an excellent example of how to interest younger students in the World Wide Web.

The Virtual Tour of the school is excellently done. The tour "guides" are students in the primary grades, giving the web reader a child's-eye view of Pulaski.

Pulaski's web site also includes a section of student web work. The sites focus on sports and other hobbies, and are a wonderful introduction to the incredible amounts of information on the web.

We see great amounts of student involvement in this web project. This is very exciting, as the web will grow with the people who use it, and involving the students like the ones at Pulaski Elementary is a fantastic way to go.

Who are the people behind this site?

The Pulaski Elementary website is done entirely by the faculty and students of the school. The original design was handled by computer teacher Betty Alexander until the fourth and fifth grade students learned how to create their own pages. The students enjoyed it so much that they wanted to do more, but the school year ended before that could happen. The students who will return to Pulaski in the Fall will continue to update and maintain the pages.

Pulaski first connected to the Internet at the beginning of the 1996-97 school year. The site had a very modest beginning -- it only contained basic information on the school, the staff and the PTA. The site expanded as students and staff explored the possibilities inherent in the WWW.

The SunSITE CEARCH team is certain that the Pulaski web site will continue to grow and change -- all for the better! Congratulations to Pulaski Elementary school and its dedicated teachers, students and parents!


Images on this page are from the Pulaski Elementary School web site and were used with permission.

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