Star Cearch Schools

July, 1998

Archbishop Rummel High School

Archbiship Rummel High School, Metairie, LA


Why do we like this site?

The specific aspects of a school website for which we're looking when we begin the process of choosing the School of the Month. Among them are student involvement in the site's design and maintenance, student work, information of use to the school and those involved in it (from parents and students to administrators), interesting information for the general public and a tasteful, friendly design. Archbiship Rummel High School's site is one of the few out there which can claim all three, and then some.

First, there's the sheer amount of school-related information in this website. ARHS' site is packed with useful facts, phone numbers, application and enrollment advice, leads for scholarship applications and more. If there's anything you want to know about this school, it will be on their website.

Second, Archbishop Rummel High School's website enjoys some of the most tasteful design we've seen. Nowhere are the colors hard to read, neither are they hard on the eyes. Many sites go by the rule of: the brighter the colors, the better. ARHS makes use of its school colors and easy-to-read-on white or grey textured backgrounds to produce a site which is good for the sight. Beyond that, it's efficient. The frames, which can often be more a hindrance than a help, actually do make navigation easier. Throughout the site, one is never further than a click away from any other part of the site one could wish to see. At the same time, it doesn't hog the screen, demanding your attention. It does as a guidebar should: it sits there and makes itself quietly useful.

Perhaps more than anything else, though, that makes this a Star School, is the obvious rapport between faculty and students which comes out so effectively through the website, and the accolades the student maintainers receive. Not only is ARHS a highly technologically advanced school, it values the students who volunteer their time and efforts to keep its site up. Almost all the work on the site is student-produced, and they get the credit they deserve for helping.

Who are the people behind this site?

The Archbishop Rummel High School website is designed and maintained by the student group: Rufus' Web Crew


Images on this page are from the Archbisop Rummel High School website.

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