Star Cearch Schools

November 1997
Bremen High School


Bremen High School hails from Midlothian, Illinois with a student body of 1,000 students in grades 9-12. Bremen's computer club is the most active contributor to the website, but other students are involved as well.

Bremen's site is, to say the least, huge. This, my friends, is one of those sites that you can get lost in for hours following the links back and forth. Two notable features are the scrolling announcements on the opening page (great use of technology there!) and the graphic design artwork on the Computer Club pages.

Why do we like this site?

With such large amounts of information on a website, it's important to keep track of it all. The great benefit of webpage design is that not all content must be original content -- a principle that Bremen knows and uses to the best benefit of webmaster and surfer.

Bremen's page provides a map of Midlothian (by way of a link to Yahoo Maps), as well as guides to surrounding areas from This site takes advantage of the various search engines available and provides a link from their own page. All in all, Bremen really understands how to put together a full-picture website.

Also, one of the CEARCH teams' most amusing finds is the 'favorite teacher stories' section. Though short on stories right now (there are only a few short one-paragraph pieces), we think the idea is fabulous. Well, until our old teachers start telling tales about *us*!

Who are the people behind this site?

The teaching force behind this site is none other than Tim O'Brein, Bremen's mathematics and computer science instructor. Mr. O'Brein gets help from Bud Lombaer, the school's photographer and history teacher (hurrah for multitasking!). Other teachers, as they learn about HTML and web design, should join in soon.

Student web pages are designed either as personal projects or as part of a computer science class. Students are also welcome to work on the main portion of the site.

At Bremen, even the administration is involved -- the associate principal has a monthly newsletter that is web-read and the school newspaper is also transferred to online media.

Bremen is planning to involve more of the students in their web projects in the future... and place more of the academic and extracurricular events on the web for parent and guests to see. We wish them luck and congratulate them for being November's Star School of the Month!


Images on this page are from the Bremen High School web site and were used with permission.

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