The Gateway to Dykki's World...

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Hi! My name is Dykki. Here is my picture yet again...

I am a Global Hypermedia Developer at the Workstation Development Group in Computing Systems, a division of the Office of Information Technology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. My boss is Paul Jones. I am also the Internet Information Specialist at UNC Press. I like the Internet, hypertext, design, business, publishing and multimedia, and I particularly like combining them in new and more interesting wais :)>.

My favorite way is the contracted engineering of virtual environments. I own a virtual company that does it, DreamTech Enterprises, and I will soon be the first person to graduate from UNC-Chapel Hill with a degree in Reality Engineering.

I use NCSA Mosaic a lot (as you can tell), as well as our gopher, Ogphre, and other information retrieval systems such as LaUNChpad, UNC's Internet Services Mediator. Now, as you may have guessed, I am working on the UNC Multimedia Information System. Hopefully, soon I will have made myself obsolete! (To me, this is the apparent goal of all programmers)

I graduated from NCSSM in 1989, and I am a proud alumnus, proud enough that I am building and maintaining the NCSSM alumnus Web pages.

Anyway, I have also done extensive work on...

Well, that's the work stuff. If you care to go deeper, you can enter Dykki's World. (Ah, Narcissism and technology :-)> )

Test Section for new server...

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