
acquisition, 97, 100, 103-104, 106, 110, 123, 239

ADSEC, see U.S. Department of War, Department of the Army, Advance Section, Communications Zone

AFHQ, see Allied Force Headquarters

agriculture, 177-190

Agricultural Adjustment Act, 177-178

aircraft, 119-124

Alaska and Pan American Highway, see military related construction

Allied Force Headquarters (AFHQ), 354, 355

amphibious operations, 348-349, 354, 356

Army and Navy Munitions Board, 7, 10, 12, 16, 23-24

Army Corps of Engineers, 199, 202-3, 205, 210, 213-214, 219-223, 230, 239, 252, 253-254, see also military-related construction projects

Army Industrial College, 8, 9,10, 16, 44

Army Service Forces (ASF), 341-342, 356

Arnold, Henry, ("Hap"), 316-317

aviation industry, 20, 83, of car plants


Baruch, Bernard, 8, 13, 28, 97, 98, 100, 105, 152, 153, 181

base expansion, 306-308

bases, advance, 235-237,40-241, 242-245, 298, 306-308

bases, floating, 324, 329

bases, seizure of enemy, 257-258

borrowing and deficit spending by government, 163-167

Bradley, Omar, 370, 383

Burke-Wadsworth Bill, 205

Burns, James H., 8-9, 276

Byrnes, James F., 45-46, 50-54, 64, 176


Cairo Conference, 332

capital investment, government-backed, 146-8, 150, 208-209, 228, 231,239

Casablanca Conference, 358-361

CCS, see Combined Chiefs of Staff

Civil Conservation Corps, 197

Combined Chiefs of Staff (CCS), 283, 360-361

Commanding General Communications Zone (COMZ), 370, 380-383, 389, 392

COMZ, see Commanding General Communications Zone

contracts, 99, 100, 102-104, 105-106, 109, 111-113, 115-118, 227

conscription, 205

construction, civilian "Must" program, 227-228

construction, military-related, 204-208, 211,213, 215-217

consumer goods and credit, 168

Controlled Materials Plan, 38-42

cost of living, "Little Steel" formula, 160-161

Council of National Defense, 18-19

Crawford, 375


Defense Plant Corporation, 209

deferments, 63-65, 186

destroyer-for-bases deal, 271,306


Eccles, Henry, 248, 256-257

economy, 45, 58, 61-62, 130, 133, 147-152, see also specific sections of the economy

Eisenhower, Dwight D., 346, 354, 358, 367, 369-70, 384, 385-6

Engineer Special Brigades (ESB), 373-374, 375

ETO, see European Theater of Operations (ETO)

"Europe First" strategy, 298, 303-304

European Theater of Operations (ETO), 339, 340-341, 361-362, 368-369, 391-392

European Theater of Operations, United States Army (ETOUSA) 345, 357-358, 362-364, 368-370


FECZ, see U.S. Department of War, Department of the Army, Forward Echelon, Communications Zone

Federal Reserve, and monetary policy, 166-170

First United States Army (FUSA), 369, 371, 381

First United States Army Group (FUSAG), 369

Foreign Economic Administration (FEA), 289

force generation, 259-260

force projection, 261-262

Forward Echelon, Communications Zone (FECZ), 369, 389

FUSA, see First United States Army


Galbraith, John Kenneth, 156-7, 165

General Max, see price controls,

General Maximum Price Regulation, 156-159, 172, 173; see also price controls

Great Depression, the


Harriman, W. Averell, 274

Henderson, Leon, 19, 25, 228

Hepburn Board, 240-241,298

Hilman, Sidney, 19, 21, 22

Hopkins, Harry, 202, 274, 283

Hull, Cordell, 271,273, 274-5


Industrial Mobilization Plan, 11-17

inflation, 155-156

isolationism, 195-196, 201, see also Neutrality Acts of the 1930s


Johnson, Hugh, 9

Johnson, Louis A., 17

Johnson Act of 1934, 269

Joint Army-Navy War Plans of 1941, 305

Joint Logistical Plan for the Support of file United States Bases in the South Pacific Area, 312


Keynesian economics, 164-166

Knudsen, William S., 19, 20, 22


labor, see manpower

landing craft, 348, 360-361

Lee, John C. H., 344-345, 357, 369-370

Lend-Lease program, 105, 108, 126, 285, see also destroyer-for-bases deal, Office of Lend-Lease Administration (OLLA)



M-Day, see Mobilization Day

MacArthur, Douglas, 300-302, 312-313, 332-333

Manhattan Project, see military-related construction, 223-6, 231

manpower, 43, 59-66, 73, 76, 77, 193, 230-231

Marshall, George C., 283, 287, 341

Meigs, Merrill C., 24

Military. Railway Service, 389-390

military-related construction, 211, 213-215, 217 (table)

Mobilization Day (M-Day), 11, 14, 24

monetary policy, 166-170

Montgomery, Bernard, 386-7

Morgan, Frederick, 361

Morgenthau, Henry, 272

Moses, Raymond, 370

Munitions Assignment Board (MAB), 283

Munitions Program of 1940, 204, 2O5

munition statistics, 56, 81, 83, 84-85, 87, 88, 89-93 (charts), 283


National Defense Act of 1916, 4-5

National Defense Act of 1940, 230

National Defense Mediation Board, 24

Nelson, Donald, 28, 31, 32, 102, 176, 281-282

Neutrality Acts of the 1930s, 269, 270

Nimitz, Chester, 246-248, 301, 310, 311,324

North African invasion, 352-355


Office of Economic Stabilization, 48-49

Office of Emergency Management, 18

Division of Defense skid Reports, 276, 280

Office of Lend-Lease Administration (OLLA), 280-283, 284, 287

Office of Price Administration (OPA) 156, 159, see also OPACS

Office of Price Administration and Civilian Supply (OPACS), 25, 156, 173-174

Office of Production Management (OPM), 22-24, 25, 26, 28, 156, 278-279

Office of War Mobilization, 25, 33, 46 (fn. 2), 121, 147, 176

Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion, see Office of War Mobilization

Operation Anvil, 373

Operation Bolero, 346-348, 349-352, 362

Operation Cartwheel, 323

Operation Gymnast, 352-353

Operation Husky, 360

Operation Overlord, 373-375, 378-379

Operation Roundup, 348-349, 353

Operation Sledgehammer, 350

Operation Torch, 352-353, 354-358, 361

Operation Watchtower, 313-17

operations, amphibious, 348, 354-356


ordnance industry, development of, 209-210


Pacific Theater,

Pacific Theater logistics,
Japanese, 294, 314
inter-service, 310, 318-322
Operation Watchtower, 313-318
two-ocean war idea, 295

Patterson, Robert P., 226

procurement, 101-102, 109


production, 57-58, 72-76, 81, 104-105, 116-117, 118, 125, 128-130, 131, 149, 154, 176, 265

Public Works Administration (PWA), 197, 199, 201, 203-204


Rainbow Plans, 297, 298, 301-304

rationing, 159-160

Reconversion of industry during/after WW II, 46, 52-54

Red Ball Express, 389-390

resource scarcities, 228

resources, reallocation,


Roosevelt, Franklin D., 86, 97,


Selective Service, 104, 105

Services of Supply (SOS), 344-347, 356, 362, 368-370, 392


shipbuilding, 106, 110-111



Somervell, Brehon B., 228, 283-284, 309, 343, 356,359-60

SOS, see Services of Supply

strategic conferences, TRIDENT, QUADRANT, and SEXTANT, 365-367

strategic reach, 194-195, 249, 250-251,262, 307-308

Stettinius, Edward R., 280, 288

subcontracting, 102-103, 123

subsidies, 155, 181

Summerall, Charles P., 6

Supply Priorities and Allocations Board, 28, 29, 30, 31


Taft, Robert, 22

tax policy,, 161-166

Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), 197, 199, 200-201

treasury bills, 168-169

Twelfth Army Group (TUSAG), 381

Tydings Amendment, 186


unemployment, 165

U.S. Department of Agriculture, 179

U.S. Department of War, Department of the Army

U.S. Department of the Navy


United States Army Forces in the British Isles, 345


Victory Plan, 26-27, 278, 299-300

Vinson, Fred M., 49

Vinson-Trammel Act of 1934, 240


wage policy, 158, 160-162, 181

war bonds, 166

War Food Administration, 184

War Industries Administration, 12, 13

War Industries Board, 100-101

War Labor Board, 160-161, 175

War Manpower Commission, 42, 60, 62, 258

War Production Board (WPB), 29-31, 176, 227, 228, 281

War Resources Board, 4, 17, 22, 153

Wedemeyer, Albert, 299

women in industrial production, 25, 77-80

Works Progress Administration (WPA), 197, 201-202, 203


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