Report by
The Supreme Commander
To the Combined Chiefs of Staff
On the Operations in Europe
of the
Allied Expeditionary Force
6 June 1944 to 8 May 1945


Preface viii
[1] Planning and Preparation 1
  The COSSAC Plan 1
  Development of Plan OVERLORD 3
  Logistical Problems 11
  German Miscalculations 13
  Preparatory Operations 14
  Enemy Capabilities 17
[2] The Assault 19
[3] Establishment of the Lodgement Area 27
[4] The Breakthrough 35
[5] The Battle of the Falaise-Argentan Pocket 42
[6] The Advance to the Seine 46
[7] The Build-Up and the Allied Navies 52
[8] The Advance From the Seine to the German Border 61
[9] Consolidation on the Frontier 67
[10] The Ardennes Counteroffensive 75
[11] Plans for the 1945 Campaign 81
[12] Operations to Reach the Rhine 87
[13] Crossing the Rhine 96
[14] The Envelopment of the Ruhr and the Junction With the Russians 103
[15] The Final Phase 112
[16] The Surrender 118
[17] Conclusion 121-123

1. The Assault 20
2. Establishment of the Lodgement Area 31
3. The Breakthrough 37
4. Battle of the Falaise-Argentan Pocket 44
5. Advance to the Seine 48
6. Advance from the Seine to the German Border 64
7. Consolidation on the Frontier 70
8. Ardennes Counteroffensive 78
9. Operations to Reach the Rhine 88
10. Crossing the Rhine 97
11. The Envelopment of the Ruhr 108

Transcribed and formatted by Patrick Clancey, HyperWar Foundation