Chapter XVII
The "Incalculable" Results


1. Telecon, Kluge and Blumentritt, 1023, 31 Jul, OB WEST KTB, Anlage 966.

2. AGp B Telecon, 0030, 31 Jul, AGp B KTB; AGp B Msg, 31 Jul, AGp B Op. Befehle, p. 206.

3. Telecon, Kluge and Speidel, 0100, 31 Jul, Seventh Army Tel Jnl. This and the telephone conversations from the Seventh Army Telephone Journal that follow appear also in First U.S. Army. Report of Operations, I, 114ff.

4. Telecon, Kluge and Speidel, 0920, 31 Jul, Seventh ArmyTel Jnl; Seventh Army KTB,28 Jul.

5. Telecon, Kluge and Gersdorff) 0935, 31 Jul. Seventh Army Tel Jnl; Hodgson, R-54 and R-58.

6. These divisions reached the Normandy front on 4 and 6 August. Hodgson, R-54.

7. Telecon, Kluge and Zimmerman, 0210, 31 Jul, OB WEST KTB, Anlage952.

8. Telecon, Kluge and Fahrmbacher, 1000, 31 Jul, Seventh Army Tel Jnl; MS # 731 (Fahrmbacher).

9. Seventh Army Tel Jnl, 31 Jul; OB WEST, a Study in Command, I, 129-30.

10. Telecon, Kluge and Warlimont, 1045, 31 Jul, Seventh Army Tel Jnl.

11. See Hodgson, R-58; MS # B-723 (Gersdorff) is a valuable source.

12. Seventh Army KTB, 22-24 Jul; OB WEST KTB, Anlagen 1c Anlageband II, Feindlagekarten 1.VII.-31.XII.44, Annexes 27 and 28; MS # B-464 (Ziegelmann).

13. Hechler, The Enemy Build-up Prior to Operation COBRA; MS #159 (Stueckler).

14. MS # A-903 (Bayerlein).

15. See MS # B-418 (Choltitz); MS # B-489 (Ziegelmann); MS # P-159 (Stueckler); MS # B-179 (Hausser); Pz Lehr Div FO, 23 Jul, Pz Lehr Div lb KTB, Allg. Anlagen, Annex 241.

16. See Hausser's Est of the Situation, 19 Jul, and Kluge's forwarding letter, 21 Jul, AGp B Ia Lagebeurteilungen und Wochenmeldungen.

17. Telecon, Kluge, Pemsel, and Tempelhoff, 1845, 26 Jul, AGp B KTB.

18. Telecon, Kluge to Warlimont, 0925, 28 Jul, AGp B KTB.

19. Telecon, Kluge and Pemsel, 1640, 28 Jul, AGp B KTB.

20. Hodgson, R-40.

21. USSAFE, Intelligence Study on Effectiveness of Carpet Bombing, 21 Feb 45, Hist Sec AF File, Carpet Bombing.

22. First U.S. Army, Report of Operations, I, 106-07.

23. 21 AGp Msg, 23 Jul, and FUSA Msg, 23 Jul, FUSA G-3 Jnl.

24. Ltr, Eisenhower to Montgomery for Bradley, 24 Jul, FWD-12438, Pogue Files.

25. FUSA G-2 Per Rpt 52, 1 Aug.

26. 83d Div G-2 Per Rpts 30 and 32, 27 and 28 Jul.

27. 3d Armd Div CCB AAR, Jul. By 2 August, the First Army Ordnance Section possessed, in part, the following captured materiel: 75 Mark IV, 25 Mark V, and 27 Mark VI tanks; 22 77-mm., 20 76-mm., and 9 88-mm. assault guns. FUSA Ord Office, Consolidated Rpt of Captured Tanks and Assault Guns, 2 Aug, FUSA G-2 Jnl and File.

28. CI 344-A (Engrs in the Breakthrough of VII Corps).

29. See, for example, 1st Div G-3 Jnl, entry 2300, 28 Jul.

30. Gen Bd USFET Rpt on Ammo Supply for FA, Study 58, File 471/1; Gen Bd Arty Rpt, App. C; VIII Corps AAR, Jul; Koyen, Fourth Armored Division, p. 25.

31. Ltr, Collins to Hechler, 7 Dec 45, as cited in Hechler, VII Corps in Operation COBRA, p. 16.

32. First U.S. Army, Report of Operations, I, 93-96.

33. VIII Corps AAR, Aug.

34. First U.S. Army. Report of Operations, I, 106; [George], Ninth Air Force, pp. 125, 135; Bradley, Effect of Air Power, p. 103; VII Corps AAR, Jul; Results of Armed Column Cover and Armed Recon in Connection with COBRA on 26 Jul, Air Opns Summary, VIII Corps G-3 Jnl and File.

35. [George], Ninth Air Force, p. 129; FUSA and IX TAC Air Opns Summary for 28 Jul, 30th Div G-3 Jnl and File; SHAEF to Mil Mission, Moscow, S-79098, 14 Feb 45, SGS SHAEF File 380.01/1, Vol. II, Exchange of Info Between Allies and Russia.

36. First U.S. Army, Report of Operations, I, 121; [George], Ninth Air Force, p. 129.

37. First U.S. Army, Report of Operations, I, 106, 119-20; [George], Ninth Air Force, pp. 130fF.

38. 12th AGp Immed Rpt 38, Air Support of Ground Force Opns, 25 Aug; see 3d Armd Div CCB AAR, Action 26 Jul-31 Jul.

39. Ltr, Marshall to Eisenhower, 31 Jul, Pogue Files.

40. Ltr, Eisenhower to Marshall, FWD-12493, 30 Jul, Pogue Files; First U.S. Army, Report of Operations, I, 112.

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