
ABC-1 -- Aircraft: For ANVIL


Aircraft: for bombing of Japan -- Alps


Alsop, Joseph -- ANVIL: postponement of


ANVIL: preparations for -- Army, U.S.: and reductions in combat troops


Army, U.S.: replacement system -- Arnold, General H.H.: and B-29 operations against Japan


Arnold, General H.H.: biography -- AXIOM mission


Axis Powers -- Bessell, Brig. Gen. William W., Jr.: and JWPC


Bessell, Brig. Gen. William W., Jr.: and Pacific Military Conference -- British Army units: 10 Corps


British Army Units: 50th Division -- Cannes


Canton -- CCS 268/6


CCS 268/8 -- Central Pacific: planning for operations in


Central Pacific: planning fgor use of British naval forces in -- Chief of Transportation, U.S. Army


Chiefs of Staff, British -- China: and Casablanca Conference


China: and Chunking Conference -- China-Burma-India Theater: planning for reduction of U.S. forces in


China-Burma-India Theater: planning for U.S. ground combat forces in -- Churchill, Winston S.: on Italian troops


Churchill, Winston S.: on landing craft -- Combined Bomber Offensive: forces for


Combined Bomber Offensive: and Foggia airfields -- Combined Staff Planners: on defeat of Germany


Combined Staff Planners: on defeat of Japan -- Corsica


COSSAC -- Divisions: airborne


Divisions: for Alaska -- Eisenhower, General Dwight D.: as Allied Supreme Commander in Sicily


Eisenhower, General Dwight D.: on ANVIL -- EUREKA Conference: Soviet entry in war against Japan


EUREKA Conference: Soviet role at -- France, southern: command in


France, southern: German forces in -- Germany: and Japan, U.S. deployment against


Germany: and Japan, Allied strategy for defeat of -- Great Britain: on Dutch forces for war against Japan


Great Britain: and Eastern Fleet -- Ground forces: in United Kingdom


Ground forces: in U.S. mobilization -- Handy, Maj. Gen. Thomas T.


Hansa Bay -- Independence


India -- Italy: Allied air offensive against


Italy: Allied bombing of Balkans from -- Japan: command of forces against


Japan: conquest of -- JCS 287


JCS 287/1 -- Joint Chiefs of Staff: on Azores


Joint Chiefs of Staff: on B-29's -- Joint Staff Planners: and occupation of Kiska


Joint Staff Planners: on operations in Pacific -- King, Admiral Ernest J.: on Italian shipping


King, Admiral Ernest J.: on Japanese capabilities -- Landing ships and craft: transfer of...


Landing ships and craft: transfer of -- London Times


Long-range penetration groups -- Manpower, U.S.: mobilization of


Manpower, U.S.: and rotation policy -- Marshall, General George C.: on Burma Road


Marshall, General George C.: on Burma and SWPA -- on Mountbatten


Marshall, General George C.: on Naples -- on U.S. deployment


Marshall, General George C.: on U.S. ground combat forces for CBI --Mediterranean: transfer of shipping from


Mediterranean: and U.S. Army Forces in Middle East -- Mindanao: plan to bypass


Mindanao: plans for operations against -- Mountbatten, Admiral Lord Louis: on diversion of transport aircraft


Mountbatten, Admiral Lord Louis: and HABBAKUKS -- Netherlands East Indies: forces of


Netherlands East Indies: Japanese defense in -- Northwest Europe: planning for invasion of in 1943


Northwest Europe: planning for invasion of in 1944 -- OVERLORD: follow-up


OVERLORD: forces for -- Pacific: climate in


Pacific: combat loaders for -- Palau Islands: invasion of


Palau Islands: plan for bombing of -- Portal, Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles F.A.: on cross-Channel invasion


Portal, Air Chief Marshal Sir Charles F.A.: and London Conference -- Queen Mary


Rabaul -- Roosevelt, Franklin D.: appoints Eisenhower OVERLORD commander


Roosevelt, Franklin D.: on Arctic convoys --on operations in Mediterranean


Roosevelt, Franklin D.: on operations in SEAC -- ROUNDHAMMER




SEXTANT Conference: balance of power -- Shipping, troop


Shipping, troop: for Atlantic -- South Pacific: forces for


South Pacific: naval forces in -- Soviet Army: General Staff


Soviet Army: German fear of -- Soviet Union : supply route to, via Persian Gulf


Soviet Union: support of -- Staff, U.S. Army planning: on equipping Chinese forces


Staff, U.S. Army planning: and Europe verses Pacific -- Staffs, U.S. planning: and global strategy


Staffs, U.S. planning: and improved planning techniques -- Stilwell, Lt. Gen. Joseph W.: on operations in Burma


Stilwell, Lt. Gen. Joseph W.: on operations in NEI -- Tehran


Tenth Air Force -- Troops Bases (all services)


Troop Basis, Army -- United States: attitude toward war


United States: attitude toward war in Pacific -- War Department: on bombing of Japanese shipping


War Department: on Burma Road -- Wilson, General Sir Henry Maitland


Wilson, Woodrow -- Zone of Interior


Table of Contents

Transcribed and formatted for HTML by Patrick Clancey, HyperWar Foundation