Permaculture and Biointensive Agriculture
Market Farming
Gardening Hand Tool Sourcelist
Scythe Connection, Austrian scythes, Vido family, Scythe Network
Scythe Works, Austrian scythes, Alexander Vido
The Masanobu Fukuoka Farming Website
Garden Writers List Website
The Permaculture Institute - Scott Pittman
National Farm To School
Organic Eprints - document archive, searchable
Ag/PC Bibliographic References
PermaSphere Google Custom Search Engine
EcoLandTech Google Custom Search Engine
Soil and Health Library
Pattern Literacy - Toby Hemenway's Permaculture website
Astrobiology ....terraforming
Journey To Forever
ARS News
E c o L a n d T e c h
Permaculture Archives
Permaculture Archives 1995-1999
Permaculture Archives 1995-1999 (text files)
United States Permaculture Directory
United States Permaculture Directory
United States Permaculture Directory
permaculture website
permaculture list homepage
Market Farming
Market Farming Archives
Old Market Farming Archives
More BDNow archives (2 big textfiles)
Compost Teas
Compost Teas Archives
Permaculturist's Health & Rawfoods
Permaculturist's Health & Rawfoods Archives
Garden Writers List Website
NAFEX (North American Fruit Explorers)
NAFEX Archives
Old NAFEX Archives at ibiblio
Old NAFEX Archives At Yahoo
North American Fruit Explorers, Inc. (NAFEX)
Sustainable Agriculture Network, SARE:
Sustainable Agriculture Network Discussion Group, SANET-MG
Yahoo Groups: Agriculture and Farming
An old list of PC & Ag Mailing Lists & Newsgroups

-- portal to an expanding global network of landtech pioneers --
Avant Geared
AG Tools
lifetime hand tools for home, shop, farm, garden, travel and trekking
Avant: culturally or stylistically advanced
Geared: one outfitted with proper gear
Plants For A Future
United States Permaculture Directory
GardenWeb's HortiPlex Plant Database
Journey To Forever
Pattern Literacy - Toby Hemenway's Permaculture website
Home Planet
Ocean Arks International
Appropedia - appropriate technology and permaculture wiki
Plants For A Future
The Plants Database
E c o L a n d T e c h
GardenWeb's HortiPlex Plant Database
Society of Primitive Technology
Gardening Hand Tool Sourcelist
Tractor Tillage Equipment and Methods
Soil and Health Library
Constructed Wetlands, Links & Information
A Permaculture Bibliography
Scythe Connection, website of the Scythe Network
PAWA Permaculture Booklist
Comments On Patterning
Permaculture FAQ at ATTRA
Scythe Supply: European blades/snaths/accessories
The Food Forest (one of Austrlia's oldest permaculture properties)
Permaculture International Limited
Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants, University of Florida
The Masanobu Fukuoka Farming Website
The Permaculture Institute
Permaculture: A Beginner's Guide
David Holmgren's Permaculture Design Services
European Permaculture & PC Directory
The Sahara.Net
GAIA, The Foundation for Sustainable Development
Permaculture Aotearoa - New Zealand
Sustainable Media
Ecological Living * Food - Shelter - Community
Constructed Wetlands, Ecology, Vermiculture Links
Sacred Geometry & Sacred Landscape Literature and Links
BBC Education - Factsheet: Changing Places
Permaculture resources at Green Information
Keyline Designs - Yeomans Keyline Plow Co.
Allan J. Yeomans' "Yeomans' Concepts"
Australia Felix - Landplanning Consultants
The Permaculture Activist magazine
Deep Ecology
Ecology Action
Ecology Action: BIOINTENSIVE
Ecology Action: GARDENING
Soil FoodWeb
Len's Garden Page
Barking Frogs Permaculture Center
Rolex awards - Laureates 2000
Recycled Organics New South Wales
Robert Hart's Forest Garden
S.E. Essex PC - Permaculture: A Beginner's Guide
South East Essex LETS
East Suffolk Permaculture
Bullock's Permaculture Portal | PC Links
VON - The Vegan Organic Network
Permaculture In Mexico
People Participating in Permaculture
Permaculture & Sustainable Living at CSF
Jim Bones' *Light Writings*
Whole Earth Magazine
The Permaculture Activist
Global Ecovillage Network
Carolina Waterscapes (aquatic plants & more)
Keyline Designs - Water for Every Farm
Permaculture Drylands Institute
The Farm
Permaculture (Overview)
Permaculture mail archives at CSF
Permaculture Resources at CSF
Permaculture Research Institute
Permaculture Visions International
Permaculture International Journal
Permaculture The Earth
ECOS Design
Oasis Design
Ecology Action
Ecology Action: BIOINTENSIVE
Permaculture A.C.T (PACT)
The Permaculture Association (Britain.)
Virtual Permaculture Slide Show
Cross Timbers Permaculture Institute
International Institute of Ecological Agriculture
Bay Area Permaculture Guild
Three Sisters Permaculture Bioshelter & Design
Vancouver Permaculture Network
Permaculture Hot Spots on the WWW
Permaculture Magazine
Holism, Evolution & Ecology [Laurence Evans]
Philosophical & Practical Overview of Permaculture
Australian Bush Tucker
Design For Living - An interview with Bill Mollison
webNB Home Page
The Azolla Page
Market Farming
E c o L a n d T e c h
Gardening Hand Tool Sourcelist
Scythe Connection, website of the Scythe Network
Tractor Tillage Equipment and Methods
Smallfarm machinery, equipment, handtools information
Scythe Supply: European blades/snaths/accessories
Alan Chadwick Lectures
Journey To Forever
Garden Writers List Website
Soil and Health Library
Society of Primitive Technology
Some Gardening FAQs on the Web
Miscellaneous gardening info & faqs
Gardening/smallfarming books at Chelsea Green Pub. Co.
Online Tomato Vine
Ecology Action: BIOINTENSIVE
Ecology Action: GARDENING
Pattern Literacy - Toby Hemenway's Permaculture website
The Masanobu Fukuoka Farming Website
Plants For A Future
Permaculture Plants Database
The Plants Database
GardenWeb's HortiPlex Plant Database
American Fern Society
Fern Resource Hub
Fern World Wide Web
Introduction to the Pteridophytes
Milwaukee Public Museum
Land Plants Online
International Bracken Group
The Hardy Fern Foundation
Ferns Book List
Santa Rosa Tropicals: FERNS ONLINE
Tree Of Life Web Project: Filicopsida
N.Y. Botanical Garden: Hardy Fern Collection
Keith's Fern Page
souscayrous' biological farming & permaculture collection
Soils In Biological Agriculture
Remineralize the Earth
E c o L a n d T e c h
Soil Foodweb
Soil and Health Library
The Future is Abundant
Weed control with tractor and implements
Sustainable Soil Management Resources on the Internet
Clay-Humus: The Seat of Soil Fertility
Steve Diver's Rock Dusts in Agriculture
Steve Diver's Soil Quality & Cover Crop Info & Links
Additional Soil Quality Links and Literature
Remineralize the Earth
USDA Soil Remineralization Workshop
Ecology Action
Ecology Action: SOIL
Discussion & Articles
Joe Cummins' posts to the Sanet-MG list 8/16/2002 to 7/18/2007
Compost Tea, Soil Foodweb, Soil Quality Discussion
Archive 1
Archive 2
Archive 3
Archive 4
Archive 5
Soils In Biological Agriculture
Remineralize the Earth
Glomalin: Hiding Place for a Third of the World's Stored Soil Carbon - ARS Bulletin
Links, Bibliographies & Services
Gardening Hand Tool Sourcelist
PMAC Soil Quality Resources (excellent)
Soil Quality Links & Literature
Soil Foodweb, Inc., Elaine Ingham
Woods End Laboratories
Biological/Biointensive/Regenerative Agriculture
Market Farming
ARS News
Beginning Beekeeping
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
Alternative Farming Systems Information Center Links
USDA ARS: ARS News and Information
SARE/Sustainable Agriculture Network, sanet-mg list
Scythe Connection, website of the Scythe Network
Appropriate Technology Transfer For Rural Areas
ATTRA Agronomy Resources
Farmscaping to Enhance Biological Control (ATTRA)
Steve Diver's Phenology Links - Sequence of Bloom
Scythe Supply: European blades/snaths/accessories
Organic Eprints - document archive, searchable
EcoVersity - Sustainable Living/Land-based Learning
National Farm To School
The Masanobu Fukuoka Farming Website
Pattern Literacy - Toby Hemenway's Permaculture website
Agriculture WIKI
Gardening Hand Tool Sourcelist
Tractor Tillage Equipment and Methods
Soil and Health Library
Home Planet
The Pollination Scene
The Pollination Homepage
Apiservices - Beekeeping Portal
Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas
Biodynamic Farming and Gardening Association
Noah's Ark - "Don't Panic, Eat Organic"
Sustainable Farming Connection
Jim Hightower's agitator links
National Agroforestry Center
Appropriate Technology for Small/Subsistence Farms
FAO Corporate Document Repository
Food And Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
Ecology Action
Peaceful Valley Farm Supply
Rincon-Vitova Insectaries
Select Permaculture Resources
Appropedia - appropriate technology and permaculture wiki
Permaculture List
Permaculture List Archives
Market Farming
Market Farming List
Market Farming List Archives
This forum exists for individuals interested in the study
and practice of permaculture and for consultants, designers
and teachers of this discipline, conceived and stewarded
by Bill Mollison & David Holmgren plus thousands more
individuals over the years, from around the world offering
their knowledge, skills and experience. It will provide a
useful resource for those who choose to become involved with
the study of permaculture, gardening and farming as a means
of achieving self-sufficiency and independence, practicing it
actively at home and throughout their communities and bioregions.
Wikipedia permaculture entry:
"Permaculture is a design system which aims to create
sustainable human habitats by following nature's patterns."
Phil Ferraro, Director
Institute for Bioregional Studies
writes about Permaculture:
"The term, permaculture, was patented by, Bill Mollison in
the early 1970's to describe a system of permanent habitations.
With roots in agricultural systems it has evolved into a program
for designing ecological communities and restoring urban centers.
It is about self-reliance, growing food, and building creative,
beautiful, energy-efficient structures from local materials.
Some precepts basic to both permaculture and bioregionalism:
*Basis in ecology.
*Basing unique culture on indigenous materials
*High degree of local self-sufficiency.
*Observation/awareness of boundaries of plant and animal
*Preservation and restoration of native plant communities.
*Worker-owned, enterprises with non-exploitative relationships.
*Decentralized, participatory, democratic governance.
*Recognizing inter-relationships between elements in the system
and maximizing symbiotic relationships.
*Permaculture methodlogy
*Permaculture principles
*Ethic of permaculture
*Observation Skills
*Bioregional planning & mapping
*Local self-reliance
*Site analysis
*Tree crops
*Medicinal herbs
*Organic Agriculture
*Agroforestry systems
*Edibile landscaping
*Keyline system
*Land Trusts & Communities
*Erosion Control
*Soil microbiology
*Sustainable Forestry
*Ecosystem restoration
*Livestock and wildlife
*Urban permaculture
*Appropriate energy
*Working in the South
*Formal & Informal Economies
*Straw-bale construction"
designing ecological land use systems with
integrated elements for synergy, sustainability, regeneration
and enhanced nature-compatible human habitat