
Re: BioDynamic Farming

Hello SANET,
  I have enjoyed the interchange on Biodynamic Farming and have
forwarded some of it on to several friends.  One of them sent
me back the following which I thought some of you might find of
interest.  Have a good day.  Margaret

> Regarding the strange ways of biodynamic agriculture. The most logical
> explanation I've ever heard about the why of BD techniques called it
> "homeopathy of the soil." If you understand homeopathy and how it functions
> so splendidly in human and veterinary medicine, you will immediately see the
> connects to BD preps, their mixing, their application.
> In essence, it is vibrational healing; sending the vibrational fingerprint
> from these organic substances out into the soil, itself a living organism.
> As for the proof, one only has to visit Alex Podilinsky in Australia -- who
> has some 2,000,000 acres under his consult, all using biodynamic methods.
> We've published a book "A Biodynamic Farm" by Hugh Lovel that details how to
> make the various preps and explains the energy natures of silica, etc. For
> info e-mail to acresusa@aol.com or fax (504) 889-2777 or phone (504)
> 889-2100.
Margaret Merrill
Jefferson Madison Regional Library
201 E. Market St.
Charlottesville, VA  22902-5287