
effects of compost?

Are there any good scientific studies on the disease
suppressiveness of soils treated with compost?  I have seen only a
few, and wonder if much more literature is out there.

Clearly not all compost is "created equal."  Studies on this
subject would have to take account of the many properties of the
compost, when and how it is applied, to what kind of soil, for
what kinds of crops, in what climate and growing conditions etc.
etc.  The studies I have seen so far have been encouraging, but
not comprehensive.

With more and more urban "green waste" going into compost, there
will be a major expansion in supply.  Demand will be strongly
influenced by user perceptions of the impacts, including disease
repressiveness, soil tilth, water holding capacity, etc. and both
short-term and long-term effects on yields.  Clear thinking and
solid data are needed to head off wrong expectations, and to
provide growers with factual basis for informed choice.  WSAA
would like to help disseminate the results of good studies in this
important area.


Patrick Madden, World Sustainable Agriculture Association

March 12, 1996