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Graduate Assistantship

I would appreciate it if you would pass the following announcement on to
anyone who might be interested in this appointment. Thank you.

Research Assistantship
Seed Dormancy and Quality in Eastern Gamagrass

The successful candidate will work toward a graduate degree at Iowa State
University with an interdisciplinary research team comprised of a seed
physiologist, plant physiologist, and geneticist. Specific goals of the
research are to study the development, dissipation, and mechanisms of seed
dormancy in Eastern Gamagrass (Tripsacum dactyloides).

It is expected that this research will lead to the development of; suitable
screening protocols to select for reduced dormancy in this species,
improved seed quality evaluation techniques, and assessment of potential
variation in dormancy levels among common gamagrass accessions and

We would like to fill this assistantship this summer (1995). For further
information, contact Allen Knapp by any of the means listed below.
Allen D. Knapp                   |       Voice: (515)294-9830
Agronomy Department              |       FAX:   (515)294-5506
Iowa State University            |       E-Mail:adknapp@iastate.edu
Ames, IA     50011               |