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Native Warm Season Grass Conference

A national conference for producers, researchers, and others interested in
the production and use of native warm season grasses is being held at Des
Moines, IA on Sept. 12 - 13.  The objectives of the conference are to
provide a forum for presentation of current research and practices in the
production and utilization of native warm season grasses and an opportunity
for program leaders to network with others involved in developing local
programs dealing with warm season grasses.  

To obtain a brochure or more information call 800-383-1682.
Ken Moore                                       Phone:  (515) 294-5482
Department of Agronomy                            FAX:  (515) 294-3163
Iowa State University                      
Ames, IA  50011                                E-Mail:  KJMOORE@IASTATE.EDU

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