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AFGC Award Nominations

December 6, 1996

To: Forage Email Folks
From: Jimmy Henning

Please consider nominating one of your forage co-workers for one of 
the three forage awards of AFGC: The Medallion, The Merit Award, and 
the Distinguished Grasslander. The details follow. Please mail to 
Texas by Friday, January 31.

If you don't, who will. If not now, when.

Many thanks. Jimmy
American Forage and Grassland Council

Nomination Form

Candidate Name:
Academic Degrees:
Main Positions Held Including Special Assignments:
Professional Society Membership and Major Activities:
Honors, Awards or Other Recognition Received:  (List only the most prominent ones.)
List of Most Significant Publications:  (if applicable)
	A Brief Description of Significant Contributions to Forage Agriculture.  Specific Identification and Description of Contributions on Which Nomination is Based:
List of Major Contributions to AFGC:
Nominator Name:
Signature _____________________________________
Date ________________


	Nomination must include an original and five (5) copies of the completed nomination form and three (3) letters of support.  Nominator may write one (1) letter.
Additionally, one copy of:
	Names and addresses of at least one (1), but no more than three (3), newspapers to which a news release may be made if nominee becomes a recipient.
One (1) copy of nominee's biographical sketch (not to exceed 20 words).
A 2" x 3" black and white glossy photograph.
     Submit all nomination information by January 31, 1997  to:
     American Forage and Grassland Council
     PO Box 94
     Georgetown TX 78627
American Forage and Grassland Council

Nomination Form

Candidate Name:
Academic Degree:
Main Positions Held Including Special Assignments:
Honors, Awards or Other Recognition Received:  (List only the most prominent ones.)
Specific Identification and Description of the Main Contribution on Which Nomination is Based:
Description of Nominee's Accomplishments in Forage Agriculture:
List of Most Significant Publications:  (if applicable)
List of Major Contributions to AFGC:

Nominator Name:
Signature _____________________________________
Date ________________
	Nomination must include an original and five (5) copies of the completed nomination form and three (3) letters of support.  Nominator may write one (1) letter.
Additionally, one copy of:
	Names and addresses of at least one (1), but no more than three (3), newspapers to which a news release may be made if nominee becomes a recipient.
One (1) copy of nominee's biographical sketch (not to exceed 20 words).
A 2" x 3" black and white glossy photograph.
     Submit all nomination information by January 31, 1997  to:
     American Forage and Grassland Council
     PO Box 94
     Georgetown TX 78627
American Forage and Grassland Council

Nomination Form

Candidate Name:
Biographical Sketch (not to exceed 100 words)
	Description of Nominee's Major Accomplishments on a Local, State and National Level:   (A two to three sentence description of the significance and impact of each accomplishment.)

List of Major Contributions to AFGC:

Nominator Name:
Signature _____________________________________
Date ________________
	Nomination must include an original and five (5) copies of the completed nomination form and three (3) letters of support.  Nominator may write one (1) letter.
Additionally, one copy of:
	Names and addresses of at least one (1), but no more than three (3), newspapers to which a news release may be made if nominee becomes a recipient.
One (1) copy of nominee's biographical sketch (not to exceed 20 words).
A 2" x 3" black and white glossy photograph.
     Submit all nomination information by January 31, 1997  to:
     American Forage and Grassland Council
     PO Box 94
     Georgetown TX 78627


Jimmy Henning			UK Agronomy
Extension Forage Specialist	N-222D Ag Science North
Phone: 606 257 3144		Lexington, KY 40546-0091
Fax:   606 323 1952
Email: jhenning@ca.uky.edu

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