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Gopher control?

Perhaps someone on this list can help this person.

>Return-Path: <almanac-request@AMANI.CES.NCSU.EDU>
>To: sanet-mg@amani.ces.ncsu.edu
>From: "Prescott Bergh"  <PBERGH@mda-is.mda.state.mn.us>
>Organization: Minnesota Dept of Agriculture
>Date:     11 Jul 1996 12:45:48 CST6CDT
>Subject:  Gopher control?
>Reply-to: Prescott.Bergh@state.mn.us
>Priority: normal
>Dear SANETers
>In the current issue of Stockman Grass Farmer (July) on page 9, Allen
>Voortman, a dairy farmer from Yakima WA is quoted as saying that planting
>summer sudan-grass will eliminate gophers from a field.
>I have never heard of this, but am also plagued by gophers in o ur pastures
>and hayfields and would be interested in any experience you might have had.
>Prescott Bergh
>Outreach Coordinator
>Energy and Sustainable Agriculture Program
>Marketing and Ag Development Division
>Minnesota Department of Agriculture
>90 W. Plato Blvd
>St. Paul, MN 55107
>phone: 612-215-0367
>fax: 612-297-7678
>E-Mail: Prescott.Bergh@state.mn.us
Pam Murray, Coordinator
Center for Grassland Studies and
Center for Sustainable Agricultural Systems
PO Box 830949
University of Nebraska
Lincoln, NE 68583-0949
phone: 402-472-9383
fax:   402-472-4104
e-mail: csas001@unlvm.unl.edu

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