
REALAX Virtual Reality Software for your Institution

REALAX has developed one of the leading Virtual Reality
software products with a wide spectrum of applications,
ranging from modeling, editing, CAD/CAE visualization,
engineering design, digital prototyping to urban planning
and crash visualization.

REALAX now presents Release 4.1 and we are pleased to extend
a special introductory offer to selected commercial customer
and users in Education & Research (universities and
non-profit institutions).

We have installed your personal webpage. Visit us at
www.realax.com and select the My-Page button. Enter your
username and password as shown at the end of this message
and receive more information about this unique offer, our
products and our company.

Dont miss this great opportunity to introduce Virtual
Reality in your organization at a special price!

Best regards

Markus Teckentrup

If you find below the words USERNAME and/or PASSWORD, it
means you've customized them at an earlier visit at our
website. They will not appear here again.

UN: mm9712.11933       PW: 46286