Plants For A Future has moved

R J Morris (!!!!rill.newR J Morris)
Fri, 14 Mar 1997 18:25:18 +0000 (GMT)

Dear Friend,
You may be intrested to know that the Plants For A Future site
has now moved from

Plants For A Future is a charity aiming to encourage a more diverse
use of plants and the site has information on the edible and other
uses of plants. This includes leaflets on

1. Allium Species - the Perennial Onions
2. Alternative Food Crops
3. Alternative Fruits
4. Alternative Lighting: Plant Oils and Waxes
5. Alternative Root Crops
6. Conservation Gardening
7. Crataegus Species - The Hawthorns.
8. Hemerocallis Species - The Day Lilies.
9. The Edible Lawn.
10. Edible Ornimental Plants
11. The Edible Pond and Bog Garden
12. Edible Shrubs
13. Elaeagnus x ebbingei - A Plant for all Reasons.
14. Fibre Plants
15. Ground cover plants.
16. Hedges and their use Deutsch
17. The Milkweeds
18. Soap Plants
19. Staple seed crops from perennials
20. The Urban Garden
21. Vegtable Oils
22. Why Perennials
23. Winter Salads
24. Woodland Garden Plants

You may also be intrested in our sister site, the Plant Tracker,
which has an the online version of the 7000 species database.
