Re: GMO soy feeds people more herbicide

Thomas Bjorkman (gatech!!!!news.mathworThomas Bjorkman)
Tue, 08 Apr 1997 13:58:42 -0400

In article <>, wrote:

> Now Oz I generally agree with you but this time....
> DDT was first identified as a problem by a non-scienbtist Rachel Carson
> in her 1945 book "The Silent Spring" and has been a target of green
> groups ever since.

Rachel Carson was a well-known and well respected marine biologists whose
scientific credentials were essential to the impact of the book.
If you want some history on the circumstances of the books publication look at

The text is copyrighted, so I can't excerpt any.

Thomas Björkman    
Dept. of Horticultural Sciences   
Cornell University