Why not sci.a.b? [Was: PROPOSAL: alt.agriculture.beef]

Ian Staples (unc-cs!news-relay.ncren.net!gatech!csulb.edu!hammer.uoregon.edu!xfer.kren.nm.kr!Ian Staples)
Tue, 22 Apr 1997 09:41:36 GMT

Angus <angus1@cris.com> writes:

>This is a formal Proposal for the creation of the unmoderated Usenet
>newsgroup alt.agriculture.beef

I would prefer to see sci.agriculture.beef because many people
don't have access to the alt.* newsgroups due to their organisations'
policies on Usenet feeds.

>The aim of this newsgroup will be the exchange of information
>specific to beef breeding, discussion of current issues important
>to beef cattle breeders and to give a place for quickly disseminating
>information on beef breeding and things related to beef breeding to
>educate those interested.

This may be just a semantic problem, but you seem to be putting a lot
of emphasis on "beef breeding" which is really just a means to the
end -- "beef production". (Perhaps "breeding" = "production" where
you are?)

Cheers, Ian S.


Ian Staples MS-Mail: staplesi@dpi.qld.gov.au c/- P.O. Box 1054 MAREEBA Phone : +61 (0)70 928 555 Home 924 847 Queensland Australia 4880 Fax : +61 (0)70 923 593 " " "