Re: Why not sci.a.b? [Was: PROPOSAL: alt.agriculture.beef]

Denis McKeon (!gatech!!!!slotDenis McKeon)
Thu, 24 Apr 1997 09:55:07 -0600

In news.groups, in <> Eric Bohlman wrote:
>Angus ( wrote:
>: Frankly, I would prefer too.. and perhaps in the future we
>: can get a usenet group of that name. BUT, getting a usenet group in
>: sci.xx is a very long, laborious process compareted to getting one in
>: alt.xx and after looking through volumes of info on creating usenet
>: groups and balancing our own time constraints we figured it would be best
>: to start with this.. then if there's a need, try for later.
>However, it can can often take 6 months or more for a new alt.* group to
>get good propagation (meaning that there's an almost certain chance that
>a post made on one site that carries the group will make it to all the
>other sites that carry it). It will take less than half that time to
>create a sci.* group (assuming that there's enough demand for it to pass
>the vote), and once it's created it will get nearly complete propagation
>in a week or so. "Shorter time to create" really isn't a valid argument
>in favor of an alt.* group. If there's enough interest in a topic that
>one could reasonably argue that any well-stocked news server should carry
>a group on that topic, then you really should try for a Big 8 group first.

Other approaches to this choice include starting a mailing list first to
build a sense of community among the people interested in the topic, and/or
proposing a newsgroup with a larger scope so that you would be sure to
have the ~150 votes you would need to get a non-controversial group to
pass a Usenet 8 vote. Possible names for such a group might include:


or whatever other variations balance name, description,
probable traffic volume, and a sufficiency of users/voters.

Denis McKeon 
    One of twelve proponents for moderation of news.newusers.questions
    Get the Call for Votes (CFV) at 
    or by email from the votetaker:

Comments welcome on the Moderated Newsgroups FAQ, at

Denis McKeon 
    One of twelve proponents for moderation of news.newusers.questions
    Get the Call for Votes (CFV) at 
    or by email from the votetaker: