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Re: Roundup information

Jv,xjustin@uts.com.au,Internet writes:
*Who are these people commenting on Roundup.
*Do gooders I suspect
*They want cheap food but they want to stop using chemical to kill
*I would love to grow food without chemicals, but then peolpe would
*have to pay 10X more for it. If people in the cities want to do it
*then im in.
*A couple of facts.
*If evey one in the world was to be fed the same amount of food EVERY
*ONE would stave. 
*If you do not use chmicals to control pests and you still try to grow
*he same yields, toxins build up in the ground and will shorten foods
*shelf life and may harm people.

What a load of complete and utter rubbish!!!!! Its hardly worth a reply but
this guy is seriously misinformed. Typical of the hysterical claptrap
promulgated by (some) farmers and chemical companies.
