
Thanks ! Garden coordinator hired

Please be sure to reply directly to Community School (Martha) if you want 
the newsletter mentioned below.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 1 Mar 1997 09:23:19 -0500
From: Community School <bearcamp@ncia.net>
To: "Andy Clark, SAN Coordinator" <san@nal.usda.gov>
Subject: Re:garden coordinator

Dear Andy,

Many thanks for posting our ad on the SAN net for a garden coordinator.  We
have received dozens of great applications from incredibly talented and
well-qualified people.  The SARE program should be proud that it's working
so well.  Could you please post this announcement so people will know that
we've filled the position:

Farm Manager Found:  The Community School has hired Ashley Bullard to be
our farm manager.  Thanks everyone for your great letters, resumes and
applications.  We were very much impressed with your qualifications and
enthusiasm.  We interviewed a number of fascinating people and learned a
lot about the SARE programs around the country.  We are sorry we couldn't
hire all of you.  Best of luck to all of you.

As many of you found out, we are still quite small.  We're just beginning.
We'd love to keep in touch.  Let us know if you'd like to be on our mailing
list.  The Muskrat, our newsletter, goes out about three times a year.  It
usually has something new in it about our farm and garden programs.

Martha Carlson, The Community School, PO Box B, South Tamworth, NH 03883 or