
Re: local food projects

>A woman in Lexington, KY is looking for models to develop local food
>projects. She wants to keep food dollars local (while avoiding depedence on
>tobacco) through fruit and vegetable production, rural/urban linkages, other
>possibilities? I know these topics have been discussed on SANET, and I will
>search the archives, but does anyone have any Kentucky or regional contacts
>for this person?


I don't have their address with me but contact the Schumacher Institute.
They are doing a lot of work in this area.  Your local library should have
a directory with the address in it.


Margaret Merrill
College Librarian for Agriculture
University Libraries
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
P.O.Box 90001
Blacksburg, VA  24062-9001
        phone  540/231-2322 or 540/231-9670
	fax:   540/231-9263
        email  mmerrill@vt.edu

Margaret Merrill
College Librarian for Agriculture
University Libraries
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
P.O.Box 90001
Blacksburg, VA  24062-9001
        phone  540/231-2322 or 540/231-9670
	fax:   540/231-9263
        email  mmerrill@vt.edu
