
Earthday at CRS

From:	IN%"JokerJeff@collegeclub.com" 14-APR-1997 19:29:28.56
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Subj:	Earth Day Extravaganza III

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Date: Mon, 14 Apr 1997 19:16:19 -0700
From: JokerJeff@collegeclub.com
Subject: Earth Day Extravaganza III
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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  EARTH DAY EXTRAVAGANZA III  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        The Center for Regenerative Studies 
                                 Cal Poly Pomona
      When:    Friday April 18, 1997

    >>>4 Live Bands:  Sariri(Andes Mountain Music), Dogwood Moon (alternative   
rock), Mosha (Reggae), and The Frank Jordan Band (Rock).
    >>>5 Alternative Fuel Vehicles: (hydrogen, EV-1, natural gas, electric car, 
and test drive electric bikes).
    >>>Tour the Center for Regenerative Studies.
    >>>Horse rides.
    >>>Crafts: face painting, mask making, chalk drawing, kite flying
    >>>Food:  Homemade Bread, Homemade Pizza, Fillafels, and more.
    >>>GoldFish Game:  Win gold fish.
    >>>Environmental Organizations:
          Air Quality Management District (AQMD)
          Sierra Club
          United Eco Clubs
          L.A. County Sanitation 
          and many more...

Earth Day Extravaganza III will be an entertaining as well as an informative
event for people of all ages.  It will give people the chance to learn more
about the Center for Regenerative Studies and how the education and research
affects society.  

The Center is a 16 acre site that practices living an environmentally sensitive
lifestyle.  Twenty students live on-site:  growing some of their own food, using
solar energy, conserving water, recycling, and trying to live a sustainable

      Where:   Where the 10fwy and the 57fwy cross.
               10fwy east or west, exit Kellogg and follow University Avenue    
until you reach the Center for Regenerative Studies.
               From the 57fwy exit Temple Avenue and go West.
               The Center for Regenerative Studies is at the corner or          
University Avenue and Temple. 
               4105 West University 
               Pomona, CA  91768
               Follow the signs to the parking lot where you will be shuttled to
the event.

{{{{{Don't Miss this fun and exciting Event}}}}}  It's FREE.
 {{{Alert}}}  Forward this E-Mail to your friends and family.

Thank You and we hope to see you at the Celebration.
If any question please reply:  JokerJeff@collegeclub.com

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