
Famous People

Thomas - 

You wrote:
<<  I am compiling a list of famous people that eat organic food.  This
include politicions, writers, actors and actresses, etc.  If you can help
please reply.

You might want to contact some magazines and ask them - that's likely a
question they've considered in their work - like New Age Magazine; Organic
Gardening; Vegetarian Times.  Also, Meryl Streep is spokesperson/active in
the group Mothers and Others, which works on pesticide issues; she likely
eats organic; she and the group likely know others, because they've gone
down this path with her (she likely brought other Hollywood folks in on her
campaigns, either formally or informally)

* Mothers and Others. 40 West 20 Street NY NY 10011-4211 (212) 242-0010,
F/(212) 242-0545, (888) ECO-INFO. Mothers@igc.apc.org 
Greenguide@igc.apc.org www:http//www.mothers.org/mothers. Brochure:
"Environmental Change Begins At Home."  Double fold, total of 6 sides.
About organization.  Includes info join (start $25); resources; newsletter
(Green Guide), starting a local chapter. Incl info sources no-rGBH. 

Hope this helps!   Would be interested in what you come up with - it's an
interesting approach!

Patricia Dines