
Re: PANUPS: Online Resource Pointer #15 (fwd)

[Here is part of PANNA pointer #15.  TH]

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 22 Dec 1994 12:03:31 -0800 (PST)
From: PANNA InfoPubs <paninfopubs@igc.apc.org>
To: Recipients of conference <panups@igc.apc.org>
Subject: Re: PANUPS: Online Resource Pointer #15

>From: PANNA InfoPubs <paninfopubs>

                 P A N U P S
                   Pesticide Action Network
                        North America
                       Updates Service

Online Resource Pointer #15

December 22, 1994

For copies of the following resources, please contact the
appropriate publishers or organizations directly.

*Seed, Soil, and Science: Networking for Sustainable Maize
Farming in Central America and the Caribbean, 1994.*  Centro
Internacional de Mejoramiento de Maiz y Trigo (CIMMYT).
Describes the Regional Maize Program conducted by a CIMMYT-
sponsored network of maize researchers from nine countries to
develop maize varieties and crop management techniques for
subsistence farmers who work the steep slopes and tropical
lowlands in Central America and the Caribbean.  16 pp.  Roger
Urbina, Programa Regional de Maiz, PRM, Bello Horizonte D-II-
22, Apdo. Postal 6135, Managua, Nicaragua; phone (505-2)
490583; fax (505-2) 49058.

*IPMnet.*  Cornell University's Consortium for International
Crop Protection (CICP) in joint with the National Biological
Impact Assessment Program (NBIAP) is offering "IPMnet", a 24-
hour free online source of international Integrated Pest
Management information which includes IPM special reports,
the "IPMnet News" and "Resistant Pest Management"
newsletters, technical information resources, an IPM forum,
and IPM databases.  To connect with IPMnet via Internet, use
a communication program or link and: (1) select or key in
<telnet>, (2) then, at the prompt, key in
<cicp.biochem.vt.edu>, (3) and follow the on-screen prompts.
For those without access to telnet, contact CICP for a hard
copy of the IPMnet registration form and place your name and
address on list for future receipt of a hard copy of the
IPMnet NEWS (if or when funds can be found to support
printing and mailing costs).  CICP, Cornell University,
NYAES, Geneva, NY 14456-0462; voice (315) 787-2252; fax (315)
787-2276; email: cicp@cornell.edu.

We encourage those interested in having resources listed in
the Online Resource Pointer to send review copies of
publications, videos or other sources to our office (address
listed below) or to contact Publications and Information
Coordinator Ellen Hickey or Information Program Associate
Gina Schilling for further information.

| PANNA                        | for standard information   |
| Phone:(415) 541-9140         | about PANNA send a short   |
| Fax:(415) 541-9253           | email message to           |
| email: panna@econet.apc.org  | panna-info@econet.apc.org  |
| gopher: gopher.econet.apc.org|                            |
|                             ___                           |
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| with the following text on one line: subscribe panups     |
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