
Energy in Agriculture

For those who are seeking information on energy in agriculture: Elsevier
has a 6 volume series on this topic:

Vol. 1. Energy in Food Processing, edited by R.P. Singh, 1986
         (ISBN 0-444-42446-6)

Vol. 2. Energy in Plant Nutrition and Pest Control, edited by Zane R.
        Helsel,  1987.  (ISBN  0-444-42753-8)

Vol. 3.  Electrical Energy in Agriculture, edited by K.L. McFate, 1991.
         (ISBN 0-444-43026-1)

Vol. 4.  Solar Energy in Agriculture, edited by B.F. Parker, 1991.
         (ISBN 0-444-88622-2)

Vol. 5.  Analysis of Agricultural Energy Systems, by R.M. Peart and R.C.
         Brooks, 1992.  (ISBN 0-444-88660-5)

Vol. 6.  Energy in Farm Production, edited by  Richard C. Fluck, 1992.
         (ISBN  0-444-88681-8)

 For do it yourself types who want to design their own energy systems,
the following title is recommended:

Kuecken, John A.  Alternative Energy Projects for the 1990s. Blue Ridge
Summit, PA, TAB Books, 1991.  254 pages. Includes tables, diagrams and
index.  (ISBN 08306-28355)

Irwin Weintraub
Agriculture Resource Librarian
Rutgers University