
Re: Organic Vs. Conventional Produce:

F2F is a good place to start. Karen Klonsky, Laura Tourte and a team
of UC Extension people and organic vegetable farmers put together some
pretty complete budgets for organic vegetable production in California's
Central Coast. Karen & Laura work out of the Ag Econ Department at UC Davis.
Laura's number is 916-752-9376. 'Course it won't hurt to ask a farmer . . . 
We have a few who belong to CCOF. 
|   Brian Baker, Technical Coordinator                |
|   California Certified Organic Farmers (CCOF)       |
|   1115 Mission St., Santa Cruz, CA  95060           |
|   phone: 408-423-2263   fax: 408-423-4528           |
|   internet: ccof@igc.apc.org                        |
|   "All great truths begin as blasphemies."          |
|      --George Bernard Shaw                          |