
"Healthy Harvest Directory" update

  Sustainable Agriculture Directory Update


  "Healthy Harvest: A Global Directory of Sustainable
  Agriculture & Horticulture" is now being revised.

 The current edition lists over 1850 organizations from
  all fifty states and seventy-two countries, with extensive
  cross-indexing. The directory includes activist and resource
  groups, foundations, schools, government agencies,
  intentional communities, and development, trade & research
  organizations. These groups work in fields such as
  aquaculture, food processing & distribution, forestry,
  greenhouses or orchards, marketing, organic waste recycling,
  pest management, and the media. Services they offer include
  apprenticeships, organic certification,
  conferences, consulting, education, farm tours, funding &
  support, garden programs, networking, newsletters,
  periodicals & other publications, recreational facilities,
  seed sales or exchanges, farm support services, and training
  in sustainable agriculture.

  If your organization would like to be listed, please send
  information to Karen Van Epen at agAccess, 603 Fourth St.,
  Davis, CA 95616. Tel:(916) 756-7177. Fax:(916) 756-7188.
  Email: agaccess@davis.com. Be sure to include mailing
  address & zip code, contact person & title, phone & fax
  numbers, email address, and a description 250 words or less
  telling about the group's activities. Please indicate if any publications
are available abd how to obtain them. There is no charge for
  listing in "Healthy Harvest."  The new edition will be
  distributed in both print and electronic forms.