
Information sources in alternative agriculture

I recently published a bibliography of information sources in
alternative agriculture which may be of help to those who are seeking
information sources in sustainable agriculture.  The citation is:

Alternative Agriculture: Selected Information Sources 
Part I: Databases, Abstracts and Indexes, Periodicals, and Newsletters
and Newspapers, by Irwin Weintraub.    Journal of Agricultural and Food
Information, Volume 1, No. 3, pages 41-100, 1993.

Part II: Bibliographies, Reports, and Directories is in progress and
will be published shortly.

I hope this will be helpful in your searches for information on
all aspects of sustainable agriculture.

I plan to expand and update this bibliography as new sources become available. I
would greatly appreciate it if you would bring to my attention any
sources that have not been cited that you think should be included. 

Irwin Weintraub
Agriculture Resource Librarian
Library of Science and Medicine
Rutgers University
P.O. Box 1029
Piscataway, New Jersey  08855-1029
Telephone: 908-932-3526