
New Book

       For those of you interested in self-sustaining gardens and
self-reliance, thought you'd like to know that The Ark Institute has just
published a book on precisely these topics.  The book....Build Your Ark! 
How to Prepare for Self-Reliance in Uncertain Times...Book I: Food
Self-Sufficiency... includes in-depth info. on growing self-sustaining
vegetable, grain and fruit gardens, what/how much to plant, harvest, store
for your family size.  Insects, diseases, illustrations. Natural pest
management.  Extensive nutritional information for self-directed health
maintenance. Every seed co.  offering open-pollinated seeds in US and
Canada.  Seed storage info., natural, home grown fertilizers, soil
building, etc. etc. all in one place. Email for more info. 
    Had several emails this week asking for info. on The Ark Institute and
its postings on Echinacea purpurea for home grown antibiotic
therapy....Burpee Seed co. offers this specific species as Echinacea,The
Purple Coneflower... in its seed racks in good nurseries, Home Depot and in
its catalog.  Other seed co.s do offer but be certain it is E. purpurea, as
others haven't undergone controlled testing to quite the extent this one
has.  If you have trouble finding, send an SASE to The Ark Institute, PO
Box 364, Monkton, MD 21111 and we will send some free for as long as our
stocks last. 
   Answer to questions on The Ark Institute -- We are a hands-on research
and teaching institute.  We work to discover and create the knowledge,
skills and technologies essential for self-reliance. Our work is backed by
over 25 years of experience in this area. We are disseminating this
information through our publications, posts to appropriate newsgroups,to
our email list,  in seminars and, as time permits, to individual email
requests for specific information. Hope this helps.... 
Geri Guidetti,  The Ark Institute -- Dedicated to the Research, Study and 
>Teaching of Self-Reliance Skills  
>and Technologies