
Re: Nitrogen and Brix Level

> Does anyone know what the relationship is between Nitrogen
> and a plant's Brix?  The reason for this question is that
> from experience when you add too much N to a plant, you 
> get nice leafy growth but the plant is succulent and
> juicy and bug-prone.  If one increases the Nitrogen
> in irrigation how can one increase the Brix level?
> What foliars can be applied?

The topic of foliars is a big topic that could go 
on for pages of insights and references.  Dr. Carey Reams 
was big on foliars to raise Brix.  The publications of
Alexander Beddoe ("Nourishment Home Grown") and Arden 
Anderson ("Science in Agriculture"), both students of Reams,
are a good starting point, as are Lee Fryer's books like 
"Food Power from the Sea" and "Organic Manifesto". 
Amigo Bob Cantisano, organic farming consultant in
California, put together a foliar program to raise 
Brix levels.  It is available as "Brix Mix" through 
Peaceful Valley Farm Supply at 916-272-4769. 

In terms of N, the *source* of Nitrogen may play a role 
in how it affects Brix.  This includes differences between
synthetic N sources as well as differences between organic 
N sources, as well as differences between synthetic and 
organic N sources.  This is where a radionics instrument 
can come in handy, because these instruments are an
excellent tool in the formulation of foliar feeds based on
biofeedback from the plant/soil sample.