Beekeeping school in Massachusetts

denis filipetti (!gatech!!world!
Sun, 2 Feb 1997 03:12:07 GMT


Essex Agricultural & Technical Institute, in conjunction
with the Essex County Beekeepers' Association, is offering a
ten week course on Practical Beekeeping (Course #N900) at
the Topsfield Fairgrounds, Route 1, Topsfield,

Practical Beekeeping is an introductory level course
designed to provide students who have no previous knowledge
or experience with beekeeping the necessary information and
skills to keep honeybees and produce honey and beeswax.
Class will include a workshop on building bee equipment and
will culminate with a field session working with live

Classes will be held on Tuesdays, 7 to 9:30 PM, from
February 4 to April 19, 1997 (no school on February 18).
Tuition is $35.00 per family ($15.00 per senior citizen).
Tuition includes textbook, supplemental handouts and
refreshments. No pre-registration is required (registration
at first two classes). For more information, call Carlton
Brown at 508-462-8739.