mbox: 1st Draft of CSA-L FAQ for feedback.

Lawrence F. London, Jr. (london@nuteknet.com)
Sun, 13 Apr 1997 13:41:19 -0400

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Lawrence F. London, Jr.

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<!-- received="Fri Mar 28 01:43:58 1997 EST" --> <!-- sent="Fri, 28 Mar 1997 00:11:52 -0600 (CST)" --> <!-- name="John Barclay" --> <!-- email="jbarclay@prairienet.org" --> <!-- subject="1st Draft of CSA-L FAQ for feedback." --> <!-- id="Pine.3.89.9703280021.A12873-0100000@bluestem.prairienet.org" --> <!-- inreplyto="" --> <title>mbox: 1st Draft of CSA-L FAQ for feedback.</title> <h1>1st Draft of CSA-L FAQ for feedback.</h1> John Barclay (<i>jbarclay@prairienet.org</i>)<br> <i>Fri, 28 Mar 1997 00:11:52 -0600 (CST)</i> <p> <ul> <li> <b>Messages sorted by:</b> <a href="date.html#169">[ date ]</a><a href="index.html#169">[ thread ]</a><a href="subject.html#169">[ subject ]</a><a href="author.html#169">[ author ]</a> <!-- next="start" --> <li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0170.html">Lawrence F. London, Jr.: "Re: Community Supported Agriculture Research (fwd)"</a> <li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0168.html">John Barclay: "Re: CNN Primenews"</a> <!-- nextthread="start" --> </ul> <!-- body="start" --> Dear CSA-L Subscribers,<br> <p> I've been meaning to do this for quite some time.<br> <p> Below is a beginning draft of a FAQ for the CSA-L email list. A FAQ is a <br> list of frequently asked questions and answers that is posted periodically <br> to an e-mail list such as CSA-L to answer common questions that <br> come up repeatedly. I plan to update the FAQ and repost it every month or two <br> depending on the level of traffic on the list. <br> <p> Please look it over and send me corrections and additions. I <br> particularly need help filling in answer #9 and #10 as I haven't been to <br> any conferences this year and could use brief summaries of what functions <br> various national organizations serve with regard to CSA and current <br> contact info. Since the CSA movement is still young I know this <br> informatin can become out of date quickly.<br> <p> John Barclay, jbarclay@prairienet.org<br> <p> ----------------------------------------------------------------------<br> John Barclay (217) 352-4025 jbarclay@firefly.prairienet.org<br> Champaign, IL, USA <a href="http://www.prairienet.org/~jbarclay/homepage.html">http://www.prairienet.org/~jbarclay/homepage.html</a><br> ----------------------------------------------------------------------<br> <p> Frequently Asked Questions for CSA-L Networking List<br> (available at <a href="http://www.prairienet.org/pcsa/csa-l.html">http://www.prairienet.org/pcsa/csa-l.html</a>)<br> <p> 1. What is CSA-L?<br> 2. How do I subscribe to CSA-L?<br> 3. How do I unsubscribe to CSA-L?<br> 4. What is appropriate to post to CSA-L?<br> 5. How do I post to CSA-L?<br> 6. Who subscribes to CSA-L?<br> 7. Where can I find archives of CSA-L?<br> 8. How can I find a CSA where I live?<br> 9. What are some useful CSA organizations?<br> 10. What are some good books, articles, and videos of CSA?<br> 11. What are some CSA Resources on the World Wide Web.<br> <p> *******************************************************<br> 1. WHAT IS CSA-L?<br> <p> The e-mail list "CSA-L@prairienet.org" is for networking on Community <br> Supported Agriculture. We hope to see discussions on goals, distribution <br> styles, outreach tools, member retention, educational work, connections <br> with non-CSA organizations, etc. We also would like to see the exchange <br> of newsletter articles and information about resources on CSA such as <br> networking organizations, books, journals, videos, audio tapes from <br> conferences, speaker tours of interest to CSAs, etc. In short, we would <br> like to take advantage of the collective knowledge of as many CSA's as <br> possible to help the CSA movement grow and strengthen! <br> <p> The listowners are John Barclay (jbarclay@prairienet.org) of Prairieland <br> CSA in Champaign, Illinois and Sarah Milstein (milstein@pipeline.com) of <br> Roxbury Biodynamic Farm in New York. <br> <p> *******************************************************<br> <p> 2. HOW DO I SUBSCRIBE TO CSA-L?<br> <p> Send a message to "listproc@prairienet.org" with "subscribe CSA-L <br> Firstname Lastname" in the message. Put you first and last names in place <br> of Firstname and Lastname and omit the quotes. You may leave the subject <br> line blank. <br> <p> *******************************************************<br> <p> 3. HOW DO I UNSUBSCRIBE TO CSA-L?<br> <p> Send a message to "listproc@prairienet.org" with "unsubscribe CSA-L" in <br> the message. Omit the quotes. You may leave the subject line blank. If <br> this doesn't work, send an e-mail to jbarclay@prairienet.org and I will <br> unsubscribe you.<br> <p> *******************************************************<br> <p> 4. WHAT IS APPROPRIATE TO POST TO CSA-L?<br> <p> All messages should meet the following criteria:<br> <p> -&gt; Messages should be related to the purpose of the list. <br> <p> -&gt; Messages should have a clear subject heading. <br> <p> -&gt; Messages between individuals should not go to the entire list unless <br> the information in them may be of interest to the list.<br> <p> -&gt; Messages should include a good signature which includes your name, any <br> organization that you represent, and where you are located <br> geographically. <br> <p> -&gt; Questions that are answered in the Frequently Asked Questions Postings <br> (FAQs) should be avoided. <br> <p> These guidelines are to improve the quality and effectiveness of the list <br> as a networking tool. As the number of subscribers to the list grows, <br> the success of the list will depend on the quality of our postings. <br> <p> *******************************************************<br> <p> 5. HOW DO I POST TO CSA-L?<br> <p> To post a message to the whole list, send it to CSA-L@prairienet.org<br> <p> In order to post to CSA-L, you must be subscribed to the list and send <br> the message from the account name that you are subscribed on. In other <br> words, If you have several e-mail accounts or aliases, you need to send <br> e-mail from the account you subscribed from. <br> <p> *******************************************************<br> <p> 6. WHO SUBSCRIBES TO CSA-L?<br> <p> Over 200 Farmers, CSA members, students studying CSA, and other <br> interested parties from around the world. To get a list of the <br> subscribers send a message to "listproc@prairienet.org" with "recipients <br> CSA-L" in the body and a current list will be sent to you. Some <br> subscriber biographies are available on the CSA-L web page.<br> <p> *******************************************************<br> <p> 7. WHERE CAN I FIND ARCHIVES OF POSTINGS TO CSA-L?<br> <p> On the world wide web at:<br> <p> <a href="http://csf.colorado.edu/sustainability/plants/csa/">http://csf.colorado.edu/sustainability/plants/csa/</a><br> <p> *******************************************************<br> <p> 8. HOW CAN I FIND A CSA WHERE I LIVE?<br> <p> Call the Bio-Dynamic Farming and Gardening Association toll-free CSA/BDA <br> Consumer Hot Line (1-800-516-7797) to request a free list of the CSA/BDA <br> farms and/or gardens in your state. <br> <p> *******************************************************<br> <p> 9. WHAT ARE SOME USEFUL NATIONAL AND REGIONAL RESOURCE ORGANIZATIONS ON CSA?<br> <p> Please send me short one paragraph summaries of any national or regional <br> organizations you work with including current contact information and <br> roles your organization performs.<br> <p> <p> *******************************************************<br> <p> 10. WHAT ARE SOME GOOD BOOKS, ARTICLES, AND VIDEOS OF CSA?<br> <p> If your organization publishes or distributes and CSA materials, please <br> send me current summaries and how-to-order info. I'd like to list <br> several of the best books and periodicals of use to CSAs, but the info. I <br> currently have may be out of date.<br> <p> *******************************************************<br> <p> 11. What are some CSA Resources on the World Wide Web.<br> <p> Several CSAs have web pages, but there really isn't a whole lot on the <br> WWW specifically devoted to CSA's. Links to all the web sites I can find <br> related to CSAs can be found at:<br> <br> <a href="http://www.prairienet.org/pcsa/CSA-L.html">http://www.prairienet.org/pcsa/CSA-L.html</a><br> <p> <br> <!-- body="end" --> <p> <ul> <!-- next="start" --> <li> <b>Next message:</b> <a href="0170.html">Lawrence F. London, Jr.: "Re: Community Supported Agriculture Research (fwd)"</a> <li> <b>Previous message:</b> <a href="0168.html">John Barclay: "Re: CNN Primenews"</a> <!-- nextthread="start" --> </ul>
