[IAS/ZERI] emerging zero-waste economy (fwd)

Tom Hodges (sustag@beta.tricity.wsu.edu)
Mon, 26 May 1997 08:42:30 -0700 (PDT)

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Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 07:44:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: Tom Hodges <thodges@tricity.wsu.edu>
To: development list <noble-creation@bcca.org>,
"Tom Hodges (moderated newsgroup)" <sustag@tricity.wsu.edu>
Subject: [IAS/ZERI] emerging zero-waste economy (fwd)

This may be of interest.
Tom Hodges

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Date: Mon, 26 May 1997 08:39:23 +0900
From: "Eng-Leong \"Jacky\" Foo" <foo@ias.unu.edu>
Reply-To: ZERI - Announcements and News <ZERI-ANN@MSIAS.IAS.UNU.EDU>
To: Multiple recipients of list ZERI-ANN <ZERI-ANN@MSIAS.IAS.UNU.EDU>
Subject: [IAS/ZERI] emerging zero-waste economy

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From: David Stephenson [D.Stephenson@stephensonstrategies.com]


ATLANTA (May 20, 1997) --- Extranets, nanotechnology, leasing and other new
products, materials and marketing strategies will combine to produce a
dynamic economy eliminating wastes while increasing profits, consultant
David Stephenson, of Stephenson Strategies, predicted Tuesday.
Speaking at Waste Expo '97, Stephenson said "this information-based,
interdependent and sustainable 'Natural Economy' will no longer look at
nature as a source of raw materials to use once and discard, but as an
abundant source of profitable ideas to mimic. The result will be both
prosperity and environmentally protection."
As indicators of the "Natural Economy," Stephenson cited current
innovations in Georgia:
* two Georgia Tech research projects that shrink product size and the
amount of materials used: "micro-air" scout planes so small they could be
carried in one hand and producing chemical reactions on the molecular
scale, as nature does.
* Interface Carpet's "EverGreen(tm) Lease," giving the company economic
incentive to take back old carpets and recycle them, while assuring
customers of clean, attractive carpets.
He said the "Natural Economy" is based on principles that have governed
natural processes for 4.5 billion years, yet are new as tomorrow:
* Create variety by recombining basic elements: "mass customization" will
give customers exactly what they want while cutting inventory and packaging
and eliminating waste caused by mass producers' inability to predict
* Temper competition with cooperation: facilitated by extranets, companies
will co-evolve, continuously fostering each others' evolution.
Instantaneous data sharing, cooperative planning, and electronic billing
possible with extranets will finally bring about the "paperless office."
* Close the loop: "Eco-industrial parks," where one company's wastes
become another's raw materials, are under development in several states.
Stephenson told waste disposal companies attending the conference that, in
the zero-waste economy, they can actually increase profits and become
regarded as strategic partners by their clients by adding new consulting
services to help clients identify waste and profitable ways to eliminate
it. "Waste equals inefficiency. You are ideally situated to help clients
find this waste and eliminate it -- and they will pay well for the advice!"
Stephenson Strategies offers consulting services, workshops and seminars
helping companies find profitable inspiration in nature and making
environmental innovation a competitive advantage, and posts weekly
strategic environmental tips on its web site,

STEPHENSON STRATEGIES, 335 Main St., Medfield*, MA 02052-2045
(508) 359-0155 (fax) (508) 359-6310
our mission: to help businesses find profitable inspiration in nature
weekly strategic environmental tips: <http://www.stephensonstrategies.com>