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BEN # 222

BBBBB    EEEEEE   NN   N             ISSN 1188-603X
BB   B   EE       NNN  N             
BBBBB    EEEEE    NN N N             BOTANICAL
BB   B   EE       NN  NN             ELECTRONIC
BBBBB    EEEEEE   NN   N             NEWS

No. 222                              April 28, 1999

aceska@freenet.victoria.bc.ca        Victoria, B.C.
 Dr. A. Ceska, P.O.Box 8546, Victoria, B.C. Canada V8W 3S2

From: Lisa Scott <lscott@vip.net>

On  May  21-24  join us in celebrating spring and experience the
unique landscapes of the south Okanagan  and  lower  Similkameen
Valleys  during  the  second  annual  Meadowlark  Festival.  The
Meadowlark Festival was initiated by  the  Okanagan  Similkameen
Conservation  Alliance  to  encourage  people of all ages to ex-
perience, discover and  explore  our  natural  environment.  The
Okanagan-Similkameen  hosts  a  rare mosaic of natural habitats,
among them is one of Canada's most endangered ecosystems  -  the
hot, dry shrub-grasslands.

Festival events range from lively slide shows and discussions on
nature  and  conservation  topics,  to  canoe  trips,  horseback
riding, a photography workshop, and a wide variety of  bird  and
wildflower  explorations. 

Events occur in a  wide  variety  of  locations  throughout  the
Okanagan-Similkameen  and  involve  some  of  BC's  and Canada's
leading experts, including Mark  Brigham,  Geoff  Scudder,  Dick
Cannings,  Terry  McIntosh  and  Bill  Barlee.  You can learn to
identify bird species by their  songs  with  John  Neville,  who
produced  the  CD  'Bird Songs of the Okanagan Valley'. And join
other festival participants during the banquet and  silent  auc-
tion  on  Saturday  evening,  and  be  entertained by a stunning
audio-visual presentation by Graham Osborne, hailed  as  one  of
BC's and Canada's best photographers.

The price for taking part in the festival has been kept very low
to  encourage  broad public involvement, but pre-registration is
required as space for many events is  limited,  to  protect  the
fragile  areas  we  will  visit. The aim is for people to have a
wonderful weekend outdoors, to learn more about our diversity of
wildlife and to work together to conserve our valuable  wildlife

For  further  information and to register for events contact the
Meadowlark office:

   phone: (250) 492-LARK (5275)
   write: 27A Front St., Penticton, B.C.
   e-mail: meadowlark@img.net


Gorse (Ulex europaeus) is a dense spiny shrub that  invades  the
Pacific Northwest. The Pacific Forestry Centre in Victoria, B.C.
is  currently  documenting any sightings of this invasive shrub.
Be careful not to confuse it with broom (Cytisus scoparius).  At
this  time of year, they both have yellow pea-like flowers. Upon
closer inspection you will notice large sharp spines  on  gorse.
The spines make access to colonized areas almost impossible, and
the stems contain oils which create a fire hazard.

Have you seen gorse in your area?

Please contact:

   Art Robinson: 250-363-0729 - arobinson@pfc.forestry.ca
   Dr. Raj Prasad: 250-363-0747 - rprasad@pfc.forestry.ca
   Canadian Forest Service, Pacific Forestry Centre
   506 W. Burnside Rd., Victoria, B.C., Canada V8Z 1M5

From: Martin L. Cody <mlcody@ucla.edu>


Incidence  functions  tell  only  part of the story, and in par-
ticular omit the dynamics. With repeated  censuses  of  specific
islands, many instances of colonization and extinction have been
uncovered,  allowing  measurement  of population turnover rates;
these can be calculated as the proportion of islands  which  are
different  in  name,  because  of  yearly  colonization of "new"
islands and extinction on  "old"  islands.  In  the  composites,
values range from a low of 0.066 (in Achillea millefolium, which
is  very  persistent)  to  a  high  of  0.974 (in Anaphalis mar-
garitacea, in which populations wink in and out  very  rapidly).
Of  course  most  trees and shrubs are long-term persistent, but
not necessarily so on the smaller islands. Species with  general
similarity  in  incidence  functions, e.g. Anaphalis and Lactuca
muralis, can differ dramatically in turnover rates.

For adaptation and  evolution  to  occur  in  situ  on  islands,
reasonably  persistent  populations  are  prerequisite;  we have
shown (Cody & Overton 1996) that strong  selection  for  reduced
dispersal,  in terms of lower ratios of pappus to achene volume,
is detectable in island  Lactuca  populations  within  a  decade
after  initial colonization. In other candidates for such evolu-
tion, it is precluded in Hypochaeris  radicata  because  of  low
turnover  rates  (and  therefore very few newly initiated island
populations to sample), and in Senecio vulgaris by a combination
of few persistent populations and a nonsignificant  relationship
between  propagule  morphology  and drop time (i.e. lack of cor-
relation between morphology and dispersal potential).

A second interesting example of island evolution is provided  by
the  ubiquitous  fern  Polypodium scouleri, in which frond size,
thickness, and degree of dissection  varies  conspicuously  with
the  size  of  the island the population occupies. On small, dry
islands the fronds are short, thick, and possess as few as three
pinnae, but on larger islands and in wetter or more shaded sites
fronds are long, thinner, and  have  perhaps  8  times  as  many
pinnae.  In  fact this species is a useful bioassay of the local
island climates.


Cody, M.L. 1992a. Plant species turnover and  microevolution  on
   continental  islands  off  NW  and SW North America. Amer. J.
   Bot. 79(6) Suppl: 50.
Cody, M.L. 1992b. Some  theoretical  and  empirical  aspects  of
   habitat  fragmentation. J Keeley (ed.) Proc. So. Calif. Acad.
   Sci. 1991 Symposium, Occidental College.
Cody, M. L. 1999. Assembly rules in bird and plant  communities.
   Ch.  XX  in  Keddy, P., & E. Wieher (eds), The Search for As-
   sembly Rules in Ecological Communities. In  press,  Cambridge
   Univ. Press.
Cody,  M.  L.,  &  J.  M. Overton. 1996. Short-term evolution of
   reduced dispersal  in  island  plant  populations.  J.  Ecol.
   84(1): 53-61.
Cody,  W.  J.,  &  D. M. Britton. 1989. Ferns and Fern Allies of
   British Columbia. Publ. Research Branch, Agriculture  Canada.
Dawson,  A.  G. 1992. Ice Age Earth: Late Quaternary Geology and
   Climate. Routledge, London & NY.
Diamond, J. M. 1975. Assembly of species communities.  pp.  342-
   444  in M. L. Cody & J. M. Diamond (eds.), Ecology and Evolu-
   tion of Communities, Belknap Press of  Harvard  Univ.  Press,
   Cambridge, MA.
Friele, P. A., & I. Hutchinson. 1993. Holocene sea-level changes
   on the central west coast of Vancouver Island, British Colum-
   bia. Canad. J. Earth Sci. 30: 832-840.
Hitchcock,  C.L.,  &  A.  Cronquist.  1973. Flora of the Pacific
   Northwest. Univ. WA Press, Seattle.
Klinka, K., V.J. Krajina, A. Ceska, & A.M. Scagel.  1989.  Indi-
   cator  Plants of Coastal British Columbia. Univ. Brit. Colum-
   bia Press, Vancouver.
Muller, J.E. 1983. The Tertiary Olympic  Terrane,  SW  Vancouver
   Island  and NW Washington. Field Trip #12, Geol. Assn. Canad.
   (Victoria, BC).
Pojar, J. & A. MacKinnon. 1994. Plants of Coastal British Colum-
   bia. B.C. Ministry of Forests and Lone Pine Publ., Vancouver,
Stebbins, G. L. 1950. Variation and Evolution in Plants.  Colum-
   bia Univ. Press, NY.
Yorath,  C.  J.  1995. The Geology of southern Vancouver Island.
   Orca Bk. Publ., Victoria, BC.

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