Re: Farmers' Market-Based CSA? (fwd)

Lawrence F. London, Jr. (
Sat, 8 Jun 1996 01:41:07 -0400 (EDT)

Date: Sat, 8 Jun 1996 01:06:55 -0400
Subject: Re: Farmers' Market-Based CSA? (fwd)

I am willing to stick my nose in where it does not belong !

I think it is not so good for one main reason: the big advantage of CSA is
that people actually get in hand every week plenty of fresh, raw foods and
they have to use it that week. This encourages them to make and eat more
salads, and fruits--the RAW food that is so very important to their health.
Of course, they will cook some things, but still there is an incentive to
eat more raw stuff. This is the big advantage of getting a pack of ready to
use, already cleaned and trimmed raw stuff.

And, as you said, one of the main ideas of CSA is getting to know the farmer,
the children learn food comes from soil, and the relationship is a main
benefit. In a market, the conversations have to be brief, and there is no
more connection with the actual farm scene than their would be in a grocery.

Bargyla Rateaver, Ph.D., 9049 Covina St., San Diego, CA 92126.