Mon, 10 Jun 1996 10:17:56 -0400

Sure the unit system might work better for the bigger farms than for us
little guys. (Growing for Market May 1996). But the idea of breaking the
produce down in to units has helped me realize how to begin distribution.

I found a wonderful resource for people who are considering setting up a CSA
(thanks Michelle for the lead!) It is a self published book by Bob and
Bonnie Gregson:
Rebirth of the Small Family Farm - A handbook for starting a successful
organic farm based on the commumity supported agriculture concept. It can be
ordered for $9.95 plus $.70 for WA residents from IMF Associates POBox 2542
Vashon Island, WA 98070.

Now I need some information to help explain the CSA concept to potential
shareholders. Everyone I talk to here (except farmers) have never heard of
the idea. So I know a bit of education is in order for the success of our
program. My big opportunity to educate 4000 people comes in one month. I
also need to develop a contract. Are there any sample ones out there?

Dan Katz from Santa Cruz - are you out there? It was great to talk with you
while we walked through the farm this weekend!