Sarah Milstein (
Tue, 16 Jul 1996 02:39:09 GMT

On Jul 15, 1996 20:00:37, '' wrote:

>Our farm was the "working garden" on the tour of 5 gardens this
year.....We got tons of positive
>comments about how much work it must be to do this and where can they get
>produce from us, they just had no idea such an operation was in their
>community!.....We also distributed many brochures from our farm with the
>information and brochures about our local farmer's market.....
>To end it all, we reserved our first 3 shares for the CSA yesterday.

Suzy, it sounds like it was a wonderful opportunity, well used. I gather
it was part of a larger annual event. Who sponsors the tours/events? It
sounds like just the thing every CSA needs.

BTW, I forget: where are you located?

Thanks for taking the time to write up your day. It was great to read
about it.
