CSA Cookbook From Madison, Wisconsin

John Barclay (jbarclay@prairienet.org)
Wed, 16 Oct 1996 20:43:33 -0500 (CDT)

The author of the book can be reached at:

c/o Lauri McKean
1228 Rutledge St., Madison, WI, 57013
(608) 251-8049

It can be ordered through:

Michael Fields Agricultural Institute
3287 Main St.
East Troy, Wisconsin 53120
(414) 6742-3303

Send a check for $17.50 made out to MFAI and add 5.5% if you are a
Wisconsin Resident.

Its a great book and I'd elaborate more if I wasn't getting ready for a
vacation ;).

John Barclay, Prairieland CSA, Champaign, IL

John Barclay (217) 352-4025 jbarclay@firefly.prairienet.org
Champaign, IL, USA http://www.prairienet.org/~jbarclay/homepage.html