Re: CSA book from UC Davis

Douglas E. Butdorf (
Fri, 1 Nov 96 14:01 PST

>I am trying to track down a book I saw mentioned in the USDA Small Scale
>agriculture newsletter this year. It is a handbook that comes in a 3-ring
>binder for about $30 and it is about planning and implementing a CSA. It is
>put out by the University of California. Can anyone provide me with a title
>and ordering information? Alternatively, can someone point me to another
>good guide. We are planning on starting on a VERY SMALL scale next year and
>need to get some planning done. Thanks for any help!
>Sherrie St. Cyr
>Heartwisdom Farm
>Pure Indulgence Bath Treats
>If you can't be a good example, you will just have to be a terrible warning.
> Author Unknown

There is also a Book from the Biodynamic Farms or something like that
called*Community supported Farms and Farm supported Communities* Some one
out there must have thier address and ordering information for all of thier
books, let's see if some one will help us out with thier names.


Douglas E. Butdorf