
The Arid Lands Newsletter #37: TOC

Title: The Arid Lands Newsletter #37: TOC

Conserving Drylands Biodiversity


Number 37: Spring/Summer 1995

John M. Bancroft

Online Graphics
Merrill Parsons

Cover Design
Steve Tkachyk

Print Circulation
Mary Villafane

On the cover: The biodiversity of Chile's drylands is illustrated in a trio of photos by Chilean scientist Gloria Montenegro. The dominant image is of the plant Puya chiloensis from central Chile and the inset photos were taken in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile, at Arica (left) and at Laguna de Chungara. For more, see the article Biodiversity Prospecting in the Drylands of Chile, Argentina & Mexico.

The Arid Lands Newsletter is published semiannually for an international readership by The Office of Arid Lands Studies, College of Agriculture, The University of Arizona. The print version is distributed worldwide (by surface mail) without charge. The purpose of The Arid Lands Newsletter is to explore events and issues of interest to arid lands researchers, resource managers, and policy makers. When quoting from The Arid Lands Newsletter, we would appreciate appropriate recognition.

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John M. Bancroft, Editor
The Arid Lands Newsletter
Office of Arid Lands Studies
The University of Arizona
845 North Park Avenue
Tucson, Arizona 85719 USA

Fax: 520-621-3816
E-mail: jbanc@ag.arizona.edu
