
Bamboo People


Lawrence F. London, Jr. - Venaura Farm - Chapel Hill, NC, USA
mailto:london@sunSITE.unc.edu  http://sunSITE.unc.edu/london
mailto:london@mercury.interpath.net  http://www.interpath.net/~london
Piedmont Online http://sunSITE.unc.edu/piedmont piedmont@sunSITE.unc.edu
Title: Bamboo People

The mission of bamboo people is to add bamboo to American culture and agriculture. As bamboo consutants and educators, we assist in site planning, installation, maintenance, harvesting, and marketing of this marvelous plant.

We are consultants and researchers for bamboo shoot and pole cultivation, production and marketing. We are a program of Intentional Future, a state and federal non-profit corporation.

 Bamboo on the FarmStore Front

Contact Bamboo People simonh@sos.net
30816 3rd Ave. N.E.
Stanwood, WA. USA 98292

"The most useful service we can render a culture is to add a new plant to its agriculture."
Thomas Jefferson

Bamboo is the perfect new plant for the farm looking to add perennial crops to its product line. Bamboo shoots are high value fresh or frozen vegetables that are harvested in late spring; bamboo poles are hardwoods that are harvested in winter.

Bamboo is easy for the organic farmer to grow. Plant bamboo in abandonned berry fields or fields where winter floods damage the soil or any place on the farm where it is inconvenient to farm annual crops. Bamboo can be a buffer between other crops or livestock or neighbors or roads. It is useful planted where soil is eroding, or between wetlands and pasture or cropland, or as a crop to make use of nitrogen and water from manure lagoons.

On a hot summer day, rest in the cool green shade of bamboo, the plant that produces food and wood faster than trees.

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(360)738-1282 *