
Garbage Bag Gardens


Lawrence F. London, Jr. - Venaura Farm - Chapel Hill, NC, USA
mailto:london@sunSITE.unc.edu  http://sunSITE.unc.edu/InterGarden
mailto:london@mercury.interpath.net  http://www.interpath.net/~london
Piedmont Online http://sunSITE.unc.edu/piedmont piedmont@sunSITE.unc.edu
Title: Garbage Bag Gardens

Garbage Bag Gardens

The GARBAGE BAG GARDEN KIT provides instructions for home and commercial gardening. This kit can also be used for science and environmental projects.

Why Garbage Bag Gardens?

Is your school gardening program wilting to a stop because of poor growing conditions, long holidays and unproductive soil? Do your classes flowerpots dry up and kill the plants every weekend? NOW your can garden in locations previously considered unsuitable for agriculture - even on blacktop.

From hot, arid climates to areas of high humidity and heavy rainfall, teachers are enjoying this NEW, NO WEEDING, NO CULTIVATION method of gardening - indoors or out.

25 Minute Video - $18.95

Our 25 minute professionally produced video will explain every step necessary for you and your class to make your own rain forest - like soil and the accompanying bag containers.

Free 30 mini-bags and several classroom activities

With each order you will receive ABSOLUTELY FREE 30 mini-bags and several classroom activities by Sharon Hackely, the Arizona Winner of the National Presidential Award for Excellence in Science. These activities are tailor-made for use in implementing the National Standard.

Garbage Bag Gardening and the National Science Standards

Standard A-5-8 (V-70) states that students should develop the abilities of scientific inquiry and an understanding about scientific inquiry.

Activities in the worm count unit foster the growth of such abilities and understanding with the use of high interest laboratory experiences.

Overlapping these standards are those in Life Science (V-80) where the Garbage Bag Gardening program can be seen to touch almost every 5-8 standard. The standards state that students should broaden their understanding of how a species lives and how it interacts with its environment, (V-81-10), the exact theme of many of the gardening activities.

Even making the grow bags and the soil mixture fill a niche in the standards, providing examples for Science and Technology(V 12). Science as inquiry (V-102), and Science in Personal and Social Perspectives (V-40).

Garbage Bag Gardening is an excellent tool for those teachers how use BENCHMARKS too: See Chapter 5 page 99, The Living Environment - The Study of the Interdependence of Life.

Arizona Teacher

If you are an Arizona teacher, and would like more information as to where Garbage Bag Gardening may be use to implement the Arizona Essential Skills in Science, let us know.

Deeper Understanding

Unlike the stand container gardening methods used today, working with our living soil mixture enables students to develop a deeper understand of the interrelationships of humans, their culture and their environment.

How to Order

E-Mail: dclupper@ctaz.com

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