
The Plant Tracker - Credits and Links


Lawrence F. London, Jr. - Venaura Farm - Chapel Hill, NC, USA
mailto:london@sunSITE.unc.edu  http://sunSITE.unc.edu/InterGarden
mailto:llondon@mathernet.com  http://mathernet.com/llondon
Piedmont Online http://sunSITE.unc.edu/piedmont
Title: The Plant Tracker - Credits and Links

Project Acknowledgements

The Data

First and foremost, this whole thing was started by Plants For A Future, who undertook the arduous task of compiling and updating all this data - nearly 7000 species of plants! Please visit their web site - you can order many of the plants you see here from them, and they can always appreciate donations to further their very worthwhile non-profit enterprise. PFAF's web site is maintained by Richard J. Morris, who also volunteers his efforts although he is not a part of the organization, and he too deserves much credit.

The Website Design

Then there's yours truly, Lee Flier. I'm a database developer by trade, so I volunteered to take PFAF's raw data and make it available on the World Wide Web. You probably notice that I don't have a link to a home page of my own. You might also have surmised that I have spent untold hours recently at the computer, slaving away at this web site in addition to my regular work. Hence the fact that I have no home page. Until I do, I will tell you that I'm also a musician, that I live in Atlanta, Georgia, and that I have some land in the north Georgia mountains on which I hope to build a solar-powered home and plant a woodland garden with all the knowledge I've gained from working on this database.

And, if any of you are businesspersons who might actually profit from publishing your company's data on the Web (or have any other custom software needs), you are welcome to contact me or visit the home page of my company, Anchor Systems, Inc. We'll do a great job for you, and I guarantee we're a lot more fun than the usual assortment of nerds and geeks you have to deal with.

The Website Host

You can't put tons of data out on the Web without lots of disk space and a fast Net connection where your data can live, so this site would not be possible without the gracious contribution of Abraxis Networks, an Internet Service Provider here in Atlanta, who donate space on one of their Windows NT servers to bring you this site. Please check them out if you're in the area - they are great people and should be considered another Certified Geek-Free Company.

The Tools

If you really are a geek and proud of it, or aspire to be one, it might make your day to know that the database engine being used is Microsoft Visual FoxPro. FoxPro is being interfaced with the WWW via FoxWeb, a very nifty product which is definitely worth a look. Many thanks to FoxWeb for providing a free license for this site, too.

I'm not bothering to provide a link to Microsoft, because I'm sure you know where to find them, and if you don't, then you are truly a rare and endangered species who deserves protection.

More Links

Need some more Internet resources to help with your research? Here are a few helpful places to visit; some of them contain a vast array of links in their own right, which I will not attempt to top in quantity, but merely include some of my personal favorite sites relating to both plants and environmentally sustainable living:

Plants For a Future - the makers of this database
InterGarden - an awesome site dealing with the subjects of Organic Agriculture, Farmscaping, Permaculture & Bioregionalism. Check out their links list too - it is second to none.
Images of plants from University of Wisconsin's gopher site - if you need to know what a plant you found here looks like, this is the place to go. Beautiful photographs (warning: they are large!). Organized by Botanical name/family, so be sure you notate it before visiting this site.
NativeTech: Native American Technology and Art - This is a wonderful site dedicated to spreading knowledge of technologies employed by indigenous peoples.
Earthship Homepage - Build your own sustainable home out of locally available waste materials, and grow your food inside it, year round. No kidding! Check it out. I'm gonna build one.
The Online Homesteading Resource - A great source of valuable information for those who dream of an independent home. This site also gives you the opportunity to sign up for the Homesteaders' Mailing List, and exchange information with others who are actual homesteaders.

More links to come!

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