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Robin Permaculture Newsletter--Special Edition

 Elfin Permaculture News

Permaculture Internships in Florida

Yankee and Elfin Permaculture have two internships available at Barking Frogs
Farm in central Florida.  All interns will be exposed to sustainable
lifestyle and given opportunity to participate in the functioning of our
permaculture activities, including the  farm. Internships are available
year-round on the farm with the duration   negotiable. 

The Elfin Permaculture  intern will assist in the development  of our
permaculture design for our newly acquired farm.  S/he will take
measurements, document,  plantings,  produce  drawings and maps, and write
the first draft narrative of the design.

The Yankee Permaculture  intern will assist in the production  of our
publications, which include a journal, a digest, two directories, and a
series of specialized papers  and pamphlets.

Both interns are free to take any online design course  that runs during
 their internship.  Both interns will contribute to design implementation and
routine tasks as well as managing their own special projects.  Long term
interns have the opportunity to develop profit sharing and/or a position as
caretaker at  the farm.

For more information, reply with specific questions and a self-description
(less than 200 words) to Dan Hemenway, Peermacltur@aol.com.