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Permaculture Design Course Online

 Elfin Permaculture News

Online Permaculture Design Course  begins  in September

	Elfin Permaculature's next Permaculture Design Correspondence Course, with
an email classroom, will begin  in September 1997.  The course draws on the
Elfin Permaculture's standard three-week design course and follows the
outline below:
	SECTION 1:  Introduction and Basic Principles
		a)  World ecological problems and interrelationships.
		b)  Principles of natural design.
		c)  Permaculture design concepts.
		d)  Classical landscapes.
		e)  Patterning, edges, edge effects.
		f)  The Permaculture Design Report
		g)  Principles of transformation (in process--you will get as much as we
have worked out at the moment--this is not part of ordinary permaculture
design courses).
	SECTION 2:  Appropriate Technologies  in Permaculture Design
		a)  Energy--solar, wind, hydro, biomass, etc.
		b)  Nutrient cycles--soil, microclimates, gardening methods, perennials,
tree crops, food parks, composting toilets, livestock, "pest" management,
food storage, seed saving, cultivated systems, forests,  etc.
		c)  Water--impoundments, aquaculture, conservation, etc.
		d)   Buildings.
	SECTION 3:  Social permaculture.  Design Report.
		a)   Design for catastrophe.
		b)  Urban permaculture.
		c)  Bioregionalism.
		d)  Alternative economics.
		e)  Village development.
		f)  Final design reports and critiques.
		g)  Final evaluation.
	DESIGN SECTION.  (Requires Section 1.)  Students complete  a permaculture
	Students follow a set reading schedule supplemented by  notes from the
instructor. They discuss reading assignments  in an email classroom.  The
instructor also supplements course materials  with resources drawn from
varied components of the internet.  Students practice explaining or teaching
permaculture basics, give special reports, and prepare a complete
permaculture design.  The course runs 20-26 weeks, depending on the time
needed to complete  discussion of various topics.  Students completing all
course requirements receive a Permaculture Design Course certificate.
	Students may arrange to enroll individual sections  of the course in any
sequence, depending on their financial  and schedule  requirements.  People
may also arrange  to monitor the course at nominal  cost.  Enrollment  in the
Design Section  is limited to 20 people.  
	Instructor Dan Hemenway has taught  permaculture worldwide in Europe, Asia,
the Pacific and North America. Dan  is also founder, editor and publisher of
The International Permaculture Solutions Journal,  highly regarded among
permaculturists and PROD (Permaculture Review Overview and Digest ). He is
program director of APT (Advanced Permaculture Training), founder of the
Forest Ecosystem Rescue Network (FERN), and active in related movements such
as remineralization. He contributes to the development of permaculture with
ongoing work on principles of transformation.  Dan holds five diplomas in
various aspects of permaculture from the International Permaculture
Institute. He received the annual Conservation Award from Friends of Nature
in 1983 and the Community Service Award from the International Permaculture
Institute in 1984. In 1991, he was named as a delegate to "Roots of the
Future," a conference of NGOs in Paris, France, to prepare input to the UN
"Earth Summit" held in June, 1992. More recently, Dan was cited in
Swathmore's Who's Who in America for 1996-97, and  from 1995 to the present
has served as Honorary Chairman, Permaculture Foundation - Net_Work - Kenya,
 Homa Bay, Kenya. 
	For details, email Elfin Permaculture at  elfpermacl@aol.com

Permaculture Internships in Florida

Yankee and Elfin Permaculture have two internships available at Barking Frogs
Farm in central Florida.  All interns will be exposed to sustainable
lifestyle and given opportunity to participate in the functioning of our
permaculture activities, including the  farm. Internships are available
year-round on the farm with the duration   negotiable. 

The Elfin Permaculture  intern will assist in the development  of our
permaculture design for our newly acquired farm.  S/he will take
measurements, document,  plantings,  produce  drawings and maps, and write
the first draft narrative of the design.

The Yankee Permaculture  intern will assist in the production  of our
publications, which include a journal, a digest, two directories, and a
series of specialized papers  and pamphlets.

Both interns are free to take any online design course  that runs during
 their internship.  Both interns will contribute to design implementation and
routine tasks as well as managing their own special projects.  Long term
interns have the opportunity to develop profit sharing and/or a position as
caretaker at  the farm.

For more information, reply with specific questions and a self-description
(less than 200 words) to Dan Hemenway, Peermacltur@aol.com.