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re: Hmmm

Good comments of the 15th, Tom,

Your point that neither we, nor many other cultures, have ever refrained
from using destructive technologies is 100% on the mark, and the fact is
that the whole big sad fiasco is propelled, above the root level of
addiction, by the knee-jerk employment of whatever technology happens to be
developed. There is probably not a case on record of a technology being
developed, and then not used because of its destructiveness... Science
shuns responsibility, calling this a "policy" issue -- the policy is to use
everything in the arsenal if money flows as a result. This is why Milo
more-correctly named the guilty parties "Capitalists". As Capitalists, we
might not even APPEAR on a list of ethical societies, because ethics are
not among the considerations in our use of technology, at best. Your
question whether ANYONE belongs on that list is a good question, these
days. Hunter-Gatherers used a simple ethic -- "take too much, everyone
dies" -- to control individual and group behavior. The same rule applies to
us, slowed in its action by our willingness to take the entire biosphere
with us. 

Yeah, we white guys get a lot of kidding these days... prob'ly 'bout
time... if you don't watch TV most of what's left is women's and
third-worlders' anger at continuing, ever-more-ruthless economic slavery.
This anger is real and aimed at the diffuse, powerful group I
carelessly-named white people.

Really... some of my best friends are white guys -- pinche bolillos!...