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consequences of actions (fwd)

ALLAN Savoury's address to the Permaculture Convergence is available as part
of the proceedings.

Doug -- thank you for the beautiful explication of your use of Savory's
model. Would you be willing to share this with Sandra Halprin? It is a
remarkably clear statement and might help a lot of people.


P.S. I reread my comments to you on the watershed question and they sounded
awfully blunt. Sorry. There are many assumptions in what I wrote and they
weren't clearly spelled out. Your careful explanation here brought that to
my attention and I thank you for that.

Doug wrote:
>I have tried to give Barbara's query some thought.
>	I believe our habits govern most of our actions & consequences, 
>these habits can be developed in a conscientious manner. The holistic
>thought model is a guide to developing better habits.
>	Personally I have benefited the most by organizing my work.
>I have a "To do" list based on these guidelines summarized from
>Savory's book. I use a spreadsheet for each month. I carry forward
>all unfinished tasks to the next months spreadsheet. I have also added
>a D category for those things that have nothing to do with finances. I
>do not go into the details of marginal reaction, instead I use instinct to
>place the task into A, B, C, or D. There is a good deal of satisfaction
>when I cross out the tasks that are completed. I am also able to keep
>track of all the ideas of tasks that I should do, although I still miss out
>putting some of my ideas down because instead of keeping paper and
>pen handy, I try to remember a task idea until I get in front of the computer.
>Test for marginal reaction PER HOUR OF LABOR daily 
>       to prioritize work time. Allocate tasks:
>A. Tasks that would cause me to lose money if not completed that day.
>B. Tasks that would cause me to make less money if not completed that day.
>C. Tasks that would not make any difference financially if not completed
for months.
>Plan work tasks on a daily basis doing all A tasks before B tasks, 
>       and all B tasks before any C tasks. 
>This keeps you from doing what tends to strike you as important on any
given day. 
>Be wary of hidden desires that can distort because of deep emotional attachment
>	I believe that by organizing my work habits, I have been successful
>at holding despair at a low threshold. I couple this with the realization that
>the smaller whole I am working with should be the primary influence for my 
>emotional state of being. I do not exclude the larger whole from my awareness,
>I simply am not going to allow it to control my emotions. Misery seems to love
>company, but I feel that a person's bad attitude is their problem and I do not
>let it become mine. I feel that we only hurt ourselves when we get angry.
Barbara Ashley Phillilps
American West Institute for Conflict Resolution
P.O. Box 676
Halfway, Oregon 97834
(541) 742-6790 (Phone)  (541) 742-5175 (Fax)
Email: baphillips@igc.org