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EU's Concerted Action on Pesticide Environmental Risk (fwd)

From: "John Vickery" <jvickery@iatp.org>
To: Multiple recipients of list <ag-impact@freedom.mtn.org>

With interest in Pesticides and Herbicides, I would ask you all to look
at the Multilateral Agreement on Investment and its impact on these issues.
With investigation of the issues I realise that Holistic Management and 
Permaculture are a direct contradiction of all that Multinational companies
stand for.
I have been involved in issues around Privitisation of Prisons and find 
that America has up to 10 times as many people imprisoned that Japan.
Effects of poor food etc. are responsible for 60-80% of prisoners (ADD)



Many of you will be in interested in CAPER, the EU's Concerted Action on
Pesticide Environmental Risk indicators 

The first issue of their newsletter is at


Why pesticide environmental risk indicators?
CAPER's objectives
CAPER step by step
CAPER's relation to other projects
Participants in CAPER
What is CLM? [Center for Environment and Agriculture, The Netherlands***]
More information?
Financial support


CAPER's objectives

Several indicators for the environmental impact of pesticides are currently
used in European Union countries. Do all these indicators make the same
assessment of pesticide risks? The Concerted Action on Pesticide
Environmental Risk indicators (CAPER) aims to evaluate the existing
indicators used to measure the harmful effects of pesticides. CAPER will
enable information exchange between researchers in order to improve
existing indicators, to prevent double work, and to reach a consensus on
the best methodology to further develop pesticide environmental risk
indicators. It is also an objective of CAPER is to disseminate the results
to other organisations in the European Union.

Participants in CAPER

Organisations from fourteen EU Member States participate in CAPER. ***The
Centre for Agriculture and Environment in the Netherlands co-ordinates the
concerted action. All participants (among them both agronomists and
chemists) are active in the field of pesticide risk assessment and
management. [followed by contact information]